"What about my parents?"

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Justin's eyes glanced up at yours before he pulled your panties from Your body, slowly. "What about my parents." You breathed heavily. "Shh. They don't have to know." He spoke. You bit your bottom lip before closing your eyes. Just his touch sent you off the wall. His eyes couldn't seem to look anywhere other than your womanly parts. Justin's hand cupped the back of your thigh as his lips kissed an area around your vagina, making your balance seem shaky.

His grip became tighter as his lips hovered over your soaked folds, causing you to shiver and your arms to become heavy with chill bumps. He released a small chuckle only you could hear, sending you off the wall. Justin's tongue slipped between your flaps, causing a gasp to leave your lips, your eyes rolling back. Justin's tongue moved almost like a snake, smooth and gentle. He slowly removed his lips placing a small kiss to your goodies.

His eyes flicked up, staring up at you with heavy eyes. Before you knew it your feet were Swept from the floor, as your body sat in his arms. He walked you over to the nearest piece of furniture in the room, which was the chair in the  corner. He sat you down, spreading your legs, causing your body to sink into the chair. His arms wrapped around your thighs pulling them wider apart. Gosh Justin, you weren't a dancer, your legs don't go that far apart. His face was soon buried against your shaved area, making your body go limp into the chair, that wasn't so comfortable but in this moment you didn't care.

Justin's small moans he'd make would send vibrations through your body, making you moan yourself. You prayed to God your parents weren't on the other side of that door. Justin's fingers dug into your thighs, leaving prints on your skin. His tongue worked wonders on you, causing your toes to curl under. You swallowed the saliva that was collecting in your mouth, before you choked. "Justin." You whispered, your hands gripping his thick arms, his muscles flexing under your touch. Justin removed his mouth, causing almost a suction noise.

He licked over his wet, light pink lips. He moved his way onto the chair kissing your lips, his finger pulling your chin closer to his mouth. You moaned into the kiss, your legs wrapping around his waist. He took that as an opportunity to lift you from the chair, replacing himself in the seat, leaving you on his lap. You broke the kiss, pulling his shirt from his body. You had no clue why you hadn't already. As you pulled it from his head, his hair immediately was affected, making you smirk. Justin's fingers ran though his locks before he placed a hand to your bare hip.

Your lips attached to the flesh on his neck, sucking on it like your life depended on it, and you knew he loved it. His grip became tighter, and you felt his penis against your throbbing area, through his jeans. He released a deep raspy moan before his big wondering hands gripped your bare ass, tightly. You released a whimper, your lips still against his neck. You made your way behind his ear, nibbling on his earlobe like so. Your fingers slide to his hair, scratching his scalp, like you've learned he likes. Your hands then soon reached for the crotch of his pants, detaching your lips from his warm flesh. You unbuckled his jeans, before pulling them from his hips and thighs before dropping them to his ankles.

Your eyes immediately traced his large package in his Calvin Kline underwear. Justin's eyes stared you down, like if you did something wrong he'd be quick to stop you. You swallowed hard gripping the rim of his underwear pulling them down, revealing his length. It almost looked as if he had grew since last time. You took his penis in grip, wrapping your lips around his tip. Wasting no time what so ever. Your eyes made contact with his numerous times.

A deep moan escaped his lips, his teeth bitting his bottom lip with force. You pushed his length deeper into your mouth, feeling his tip at the back of your throat. You almost gagged yourself before pulling him out. He released a deep groan, almost a growl. You continued to pleasure his body for a good 5 more minutes, before he wanted more. Justin lifted your face to his, pushing his lips to yours. He stood up causing you to follow. He slowly walked you back, your naked body's touching the entire time.

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