"You will never understand me"

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Your eyes were immediately opened as you heard a low voice. At first you didn't recognize it until the door opened. "OH MY GOD." Your moms voice was heard, causing your body to be lifted form the mattress in a panic. You stood up grabbing the blanket covering you bare body. You looked over at Justin's body jumping up, only in his white Calvin's.
Your eyes were probably about to pop out of your skull. Your heart almost beating out of your chest.

"What's going on." You heard your dad's voice as he walked in the room, his eyes immediately landing over at Justin. "Sir I am so...."
"Who the fuck are you!" Your dad snapped, stepping closer to Justin, causing your body to feel as if had been suffocated. "I want you out of my house!" Your dad rose his voice loudly. Justin swallowing hard, staring into his angry eyes. "Please sir just let me explain. This isn't her fault." Justin said as he quickly pulled his jeans on his legs.

"Dad Please!" You said, running yourself behind your bathroom door, clothing yourself. "I'm sorry." You heard Justin mumbled, his voice shaky before he disappeared out of your bedroom. "No." You said running after him, your sweatpants over your legs and a hoodie over your torso. Your dad caught you by your arm but you jerked it always. You ran after Justin down the stairs. "Justin please." You cried as he opened the front door.

"Yn!!" Your dad yelled from
The stairs but you didn't care. You grabbed Justin, your hands holding his strong arm. "Please don't leave me!" You cried. He looked at you, his eyes red with disappointment, but that wasn't all. His face had embarrassment written all over it. "You better never come in my house again! And You will never see my daughter again!" Your dad yelled at Justin as he walked closer. "Stop it!" You yelled.

"You piece of shit!" Your dad yelled at Justin. "Stop!" You screamed pushing your dad back, but all that did was get you into more trouble. "You will Never see this boy again." Your dad said, gripping your arm tightly. "Let me go!" You said harshly, jerking yourself away from him. "I'll never obey you." You hissed. Your dad's eyes growing wide. You turned around seeing Justin as he stood there, his shirt still off his body, holding it in his hands, along with his jacket.

"Please Justin." You said walking closer. Justin slowing backed up before turning his back to you jumping in his car. It was then you felt as if everything he said to you was a lie. You watched him drive away down the street. You stood there, his car becoming blurry as your tears poured from
Your eyes. "I hope you know you are severely grounded." Your dad snapped at you, your back still facing him. You couldn't believe it.

Justin just left....just like that. He left you after all he said last night. It was all a lie. You should have known not to trust anyone like him. You turned around running past your dad, entering the house. You ran up the stairs passing your confused brother in the process. You slammed your bedroom door before falling to the floor. You cried your eyes out, your tears leaving marks on the carpet.

You sat there, your eyes closed tightly, your hands digging through your long hair. You hated this. You hated yourself. You hated that you went behind their backs. You hated that you thought you could trust someone like Justin Bieber. You felt so embarrassed, but you felt more like a disappointment to everyone. The door behind you opened and you heard heavy foot steps. You saw your dad standing in front of you, his eyes staring down at your body.

"You will no longer have your phone, computer, or tv." He snapped. But like you cared. Like you wanted any of those things right now. All you wanted was to be alone. "You will go to school, and you will come home. And You're 18th birthday party will be canceled." He said. "Why did you do that to him." You whispered, your eyes looking up into his. He bent down to your leavel, his face red with anger.

"I found you in bed with a naked boy, when you aren't allowed to even date. You broke every rule we've set for you. Making me extremely disappointed in you *yn*." He said, his eyes never leaving yours. "That boy is dead to you." He hissed. You shook your head. "Just like how I'm not allowed to see my best friend. Or go anywhere after school." You said, tears still not failing to run down your face. "Just like how I got my sweet sixteen birthday cancelled because I went to my best friend's house for a few hours." You said.

He remained silent. "You don't understand me." You said before standing to your feet. "You never have and you never will." You cried. "You've always treated me like a baby. You and Mom Have pushed so Many rules on me! But you let Jake do whatever he wants! I don't even have my license and I'm almost 18! Because you've never allowed me! I've never even driven a car." You said, catching a breath.

"I snuck Justin in my room last night because I wanted to feel some type of love! Because now that I think about it....I don't feel the love I should from you guys at all. I feel locked up, like a slave. You will never understand me." You cried. You backed up before running out of your room. As you made your way down the stairs you Noticed the front door being opened, revealing Justin's red face. His eyes immediately met yours.

He grabbed you pulling you into his arms tightly. You dug your face in his neck crying your eyes out. He set you down before pulling you out the door. He ran with you to his parked car. You got in the passenger seat and he placed himself in the drivers seat. He pulled away from your house, leaving your parents standing on the front porch.
All you wanted was an ounce of freedoms.

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