"I missed you"

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You stared into the mirror, your hands rubbing down your sides before letting your arms drops. You wore the black tight dress your mom gave to you as a present. You actually really liked it, and you hoped Justin would too. Your long hair was curled loosely. Your makeup was a bit heavier than you usually wear it. It was your birthday and you were going to have fun with it. Your feet stood in high black heels, making your long legs look even longer. Your bedroom door opened suddenly, your dad's body stepping in. He startled you, your hand resting over your chest. "You scared me." You spat. "We're leaving." He said. You sighed grabbing your purse and jacket. "Is that really what your mother picked out for you?" Your dad asked. "Um yes. Do you not approve?" You asked, rolling your eyes mentally. "It's short. But you look beautiful." He said with a small smile. "Thanks....I guess." You said. You walked past him and down the stairs. You've never forgiven your father, if it was up to him justin would be thrown in jail. You didn't feel guilty at all for lying about about having sex with Justin. It's not his business. You saw your mom and Jake standing by the door. Jake was dressed in a button up shirt tucked into his dress pants. He looked handsome. Your mom wore a long blue dress, her hair long and straightened. "You look stunning." Your mom smiled. "Thanks." You said. You kissed her cheek before your father opened the house door. You all walked out, Jake helped you to the car like the sweet older brother he is. You all buckled up in the car before your dad pulled out of the driveway. You were so nervous about Justin showing up tonight. You could just see your family making a huge scene in the middle of the restaurant. Justin would be giving a long speech about how we should be allowed to be together, when your dad would be interrupting him with his so called 'RULES'
you cringed at the thought. You were so tempted to text Justin about how you knew he was coming, but you didn't want him to get mad. You sighed laying your head against jake's shoulder. The car ride wasn't long to the fancy restaurant your parents clearly picked out. Your dad parked the car and you four exited the car. You closed the back door looking around the parking lot. Justin would be smart enough to not park in sight. You looked over at Jake as he typed on his phone. You walked over to him whispering in his ear. "Where is he?" You asked. "Relax. He'll be here."  He whispered. You sighed before feeling a hand on your back. Your dad walked you to the door, your mom and brother slightly behind. "Am I in trouble?" You asked nervously. Your dad chuckled. "You usually are." He said as he opened the door for everyone. You rolled your eyes walking Inside. Your eyes immediately searching for Justin. "Who are you looking for sweetie?" Your mom Asked as she fixed your hair. "Oh I just thought I saw one of my friends from back home." You bushed her off, looking down at your feet. "Hi. table for two." Your dad said, his hands tucked in the pockets of his dress pants. You guys followed the lady as she lead you to a table in the back. You looked at everyone as they all had conversations over dinner, specially looking at the perfect cute couples. You couldn't wait to be that way with Justin. As you reached the table Jake grabbed your arm. "He's here." He whispered. "Where?" You asked immediately after. "Behind the building." Jake said before he released the grip on your arm taking a seat. You swallowed hard, standing there as everyone sat down. Your mom looked at you, a frown over her face. "Uhh." You spoke. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You said. "Hurry back sweetie." Your mom said. You nodded. You made your way through the building making sure they weren't looking as you exited the building. You passed by a few people on your way around the building. As you reached the back you noticed a Lamborghini parked beside a few cars. You smiled. You noticed the car was still running so you assumed he was inside. You ran to the car in your heels. As you were halfway to the car Justin stepped out. He looked over at you, a smile appearing over your lips. You hadn't seen him in forever. And you needed him. You thew yourself in his arms, your head digging into the warmth of his neck. His arms held you tightly. Neither of you saying anything. It was just a perfect moment. You felt a few tears rolling down your cheeks. Justin lifted your head kissing your lips. You gripped his arms tightly, your lips moving in perfect sync with his. After a good kiss he slowly broke it, licking his lips. You smiled kissing him Once more. "I missed you so much." You cried. "Shhh." He said, he wiped your tears with his thumb. "Don't cry. You'll ruin your makeup baby girl." He said. "How'd you know about this by the way?" He asked suddenly. Shit, busted. "Jake short of told me..." You mumbled, wiping your cheek dry. "But only because he wanted me to be aware." You said running your fingers down his arms. "And the house? Justin you didn't need to do that." You said. "Oh please. You're suffocating in that house." He said, referring to your parents house. "You need to get out of there. Plus the new house was cheap." He winked. You blushed. "Yeah a couple million dollars cheap." You joked.  He looked down at your body. "You look beautiful." He said. "Thank you." You blushed. He smiled before kissing your forehead. "I guess Jake told you everything I planned?" He asked. You nodding lightly. "Like telling my parents about everything?" You asked lowly. He nodded. "I can't go behind their backs anymore. I hate it. I'm not that type of guy." He spoke. You nodded lightly. "I understand." You spoke. He kissed your cheek before pushing your hair behind your ear. You sent him a weak smile before his hand gripped yours. You and Justin slowly walked around the building. Before you reached the front you stopped him, Turing to face him. "Baby just remember I love you and promise, anything they say won't effect us." You said gripping his big hands. "Promise." He clearly forced a smile. You nodded before you two entered the building, your heart rate rising. You pointed towards your family, showing Justin the way. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you and Justin made your way to the table. Half way there your mother looked up, a gasp leaving her mouth. She grabbed your fathers arm causing him to look up. His eyes immediately grew darker as he saw Justin, your arm locked around his. He stood up from his chair, your grip tighten on Justin. "What is this!" He spat, low enough that only you guys could hear. Justin cleared his voice. "Sir I came to discuss a few things with you." Justin said, keeping his tall confident posture. You laid your head on Justin's shoulder, your eyes looking into your fathers. "We have nothing to discuss." Your father said. "Oh I'm pretty sure we do." Justin chuckled lowly, his hand sliding into his pocket. "Well then we'll take this outside." Your father said, grabbing his coat. Justin nodded. Your father walked past Justin towards the door. You went to follow but Justin sent you a 'Stay Here' look. You frowned watching as they exited the building. You turned around plopping yourself in your chair. "What the heck is going on here?" Your mom asked. You ignored her looking out the window as Justin and your father talked in the parking lot. You were so scared.
Justin's POV:
I looked over my shoulder at *yn*, sending her a look to stay putt, I didn't want her in the middle of this. I followed her father out of the building into the cold air. My hands in fist in my pocket. We stopped near what I assumed to be their SUV. He turned around, his eyes landing on me.
"I want you to get in your car and leave and never come back here. You've caused her enough pain!" He spoke, his finger pointing to the road. "Sir, how have I caused your daughter any pain? If anything you guys have." I said. "You guys keep her locked in the house. Without her even being able to see her friends, or live her life for that matter."
I said, my hands out of my warm pockets. "You don't have the right to tell me anything about how I raise my daughter." He hissed, stepping a bit closer. "Sir it's common knowledge. She's hurting inside because she can't live Her life. When she moves out she'll be completely lost. She won't know what to do because she's been sheltered from this life for years now." I spoke. "She needs you to be there to show her the world. She needs someone to show her what the real world is like so she can start preparing. I've been doing that sir! I've tried to show her the ropes and show her everything I can so she can be a strong independent girl on her own." I said, my hand resting over my chest. "Your daughter means everything to me and I'd never hurt her. I regret coming back that day and taking her. That wasn't the smartest move. But I don't regret anything we've done together. She's helped me in ways you and her will never understand, and I can only hope I've done the same for her." I said. I could feel his eyes soften. "That's why I bought her a nice house in a small subdivision. 5 minutes, if that from your home." I said, my hand fixing my shirt a bit. "I only care for her and want to be there for her. I'm not stealing her in anyway from you and your wife. I'm just asking for your blessing to hand her over to me." I said, my teeth chewing the Inside of my cheek, scared to death of his answer. "Are you asking for my permission to marry my daughter?" He asked. I chuckled lowly. "No sir." I paused, rubbing over the little bit of hair on my chin. "Eventually I hope to. But I'm asking for your blessing to let us be. And let her live her life like she should." I said, I could feel eyes other than his on me. I turned over my shoulder seeing *yn* as she stood by the restaurant door. Holding her arms, trying to keep warm. I looked back at her father licking over my lips. He sighed, looking down at his feet. "Under one condition." He said. I nodded, immediately agreeing. "Anything."
I said. "You don't get in the way of her college schooling. She's already been excepted and I cannot allow that to fail." He said. "Of course sir." I said. He nodded. I reached my hand out. He took a second before he shook it. "But that doesn't mean sexual activities are allowed." He said as he walked me towards the door. I almost choked on my saliva. Too late.
"Understood sir."
I chuckled. We reached the door and *yn* looked at both of us. Her father sent her a look that I couldn't see. He then walked into the building leaving us alone, something I never thought he'd allow. "Well?" She asked. I nodded my head. A huge grin appeared over her lips, pulling me into her body. "Oh my gosh." She said, her arms around my neck. I smiled resting my hands on her lower back. I wouldn't dare go lower with her father just in the building. She pulled away before kissing my lips. "I love you." She said with a smile. "I love you too." I chuckled. "But." I said pushing her hair from her view. "He said no sexual activities, so it looks you'll have to wait for a while." I said. She scoffed. "Bullshit." She said. "We are fucking tonight." She whispered.
That's my girl.
I smiled pecking her lips before we entered the restaurant.

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