Justin's Point Of View

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I opened the door to the house, my hands pulling *yn* in. I closed the door, reaching for a light switch. "Go explore." I said. She smiled hanging her jacket over a chair. She walked down the hall, her heels clicking loudly. She walked into the living room, admiring the nice furniture before looking into the kitchen, a smile coming across her lips. I followed close behind her as she ran her fingers against the new counter tops. "You like?" I asked, chewing my bottom lip as I watched her hips sway as she walked. "Mhm." She nodded. She grabbed my arm. "show me the rest." She spoke against my ear. I showed her up the stairs and down the hall. "These two are guest rooms." I said oping then first door. She glanced around before her lips attached to my neck. I swallowed hard, my hand shaking. "And the other one." I spoke walking out. She followed, her body stuck to mine, her hands rubbing down my chest. I opened the second guest room door but she didn't seam to care, feeling her hand rubbing down my shirt, reaching my crotch, she squeezed it causing me to groan. She smiled licking my jawline.
"Show me my bedroom." she said. I nodded walking across the hall. I opened the empty bedroom. "I thought you'd probably like to bring your bed and stuff in here, instead of having the new stuff." I said, my fingers digging through my hair. She walked past me, catching a sent of her perfume. She looked around before turning to face me. "I like it." She smiled. "Good."
I nodded, my hands sliding into my pockets. I motioned her out and she quickly followed. We walked down the stairs, some how walking into the kitchen. I grabbed her body slamming her against the wall, my eyes traveling her body. My hands gripped her toned sides, causing a moan to escape her lips. I hated when she wore high heels, making her my hight. I bent down taking off one before the other, leaving her a good 5'7. I smiled my hands pushing her hair from her shoulders. She tried to push forwards but I slammed her back again. "Don't move."
I hissed, causing a smile to form on her lips. I attached my lips to her neck, sucking her sweet spot. She sent me vibes all night that she wanted to be In Control, but it doesn't work that way. I gripped her tigher as she arched herself into me, moaning lowly. I sucked her jawline tugging on her lip with my teeth. I attached my lips to the other side of her neck. I could feel her knee slowly creeping up to my crotch.
She applied pressure, causing me to groan. She moved it in a Circular motion, really getting me there. I bit her neck causing her to gasp. I smiled
Admiring the hickey i left, not even thinking about the fact that she'll get shit for that from her parents. I became face to face with her, her eyes staring into mine. I planted her lips with a kiss before removing my tight hold from her. I stepped back unbuckling my belt, holding up my fancy pants. She immediately dropped to her knees.
I pulled my pants down just enough so I could get my Calvin's down. My penis Sprong free, her hand immediately gripping it at the base. I ran my fingers through my styled hair releasing a deep breath as I felt her mouth. She wrapped her lips around my tip, driving me crazy. She took me deeper making a small smile grow on my face. My hand reached down pulling her hair up, holding it from her way. She gave me a blowjob for a good 5 minutes before I reached my climax. She swallowed before licking her lips. I smiled helping her up. I kissed her lips before picking her up. I laid her on the clean counter top, I ripped that little black number from her body, causing her to gasp. "I'll buy you a new one."
I said. I removed her panties from her body throwing them aside. I haven't had her in three months, and it was hell. But I was ready. My hands gripped the inside of her thighs pushing them apart. I noticed she took her bra off in the meantime. My lips attached to her folds, wasting no time, I had to have her back by 11. I ate her out, her moans filling her house, Music to My ears. I sucked on her sensitive parts, driving her crazy. My moans vibrating her. She gasped, gripping onto the edge of the counter top. Her head tossing and turning. I looked up at her as her eyes were shut tightly, her grip even tighter. And with just a few More seconds her juices flooded out. I licked her clean making her smile. "Fuck." She whispered in pleasure, reaching down for me. She leaned down kissing my lips. I pulled my shirt off my body continuing the kiss. I lifted her from the counter top holding her in my arms. I made my way into the living room, setting her on the nearest piece of furniture I could find, which was a big chair. I grabbed my penis holding the tip to her hole. I slowly slid it into her, causing her to grip the chair. I pushed myself all the way into her, causing her to gasp. I stretched her open before sliding out, then back in. I picked up speed, my deep moans filling the room, along with hers. I swallowed hard as i pounded into her, my eyes shutting from the pleasure. "Justin."
She called out, her arms wrapping around my neck. gripped the sides of the chair, getting a better stance. She moaned against me, causing me to absolutely lose it. "Justin." She whispered in pleasure, sending chills down my body. Before knew It I pulled myself from her, my cum dripping from my manhood, onto her tight stomach. I moaned, my chest raising and falling heavily. She smiled wiping it from her stomach licking it off her fingers. I smiled, leaning in kissing her lips. "I missed you." She whispered. "I missed you more baby." I said. I pulled her up, standing her in front of me. I looked down at her naked body before kissing her forehead. "Let's jump in the shower." She said. I nodded. "Good idea." I smiled.
About an hour later we entered my car. We both buckled up and I drove out of the driveway. I sped down the road, my hand tightly together with hers, heeling me. Soon I pulled into her parents driveway, parking and cutting the car off. "10:57" I smiled at my work. She giggled before we both got out of my car. I walked her to the front door, stoping her before she could twist the door knob. I looked into her eyes, pushing her hair behind her ear. "I'll be leaving early in the morning. But I want you to know that after this tour I'll be back." I said, rubbing her soft cheek. She smiled nodding. I could see the tears building up in her eyes. "Shh." I whispered. "Don't cry." I spoke, comforting her. "3 months." I said. She nodded before I pulled her body into mine. I hugged her a good minute before looking back into her eyes. "I love you so much!" I said. She wiped her cheek. "I love you more Justin." She said with a shaky voice. I sent her a smile before sharing our last kiss for a while. "Be good." I said. She smiled, nodding. I pecked her forehead before I  left her reach. I made sure to give her one more look before I disappeared into my car. She watched me pull out, before I was out of their driveway. I wiped a tear from my cheek before pushing my tears aside.
I'll see my baby in three months.
We can make it.

The End! I loved this one a lot, I'm really proud of it! What do you guys think? ❤️ make sure to go read my newest post!!

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