"I love you"

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Justin parked the car, cutting the engine. A sigh was heard from his mouth, his head dropping to his big hands. You sat there, your knees pulled to your chest. The car was an awkward silence. As if both of you had no idea of what to say. Justin lifted his head from his palms looking straight ahead.

"I'm sorry." He spoke before he looked in your eyes. His hair messed up from his night sleep. "I'm sorry this is my fault, I'll never be able to fix any of this." He said, his fist tighten. "I shouldn't have..." He spoke but he stopped himself. "Shouldn't have what?" You asked lowly. He shook his head before his hand slamming hard against the wheel.

"God damn it!" He yelled, banging the wheel. "Justin." You said grabbing his arm. "Stop it!" You said deeply. His eyes darkening. He opened his door getting out slamming it closed behind him. The cool air hitting your skin for a split second. You watched as he walked to the back of the car, leaning against it. His head hanging low. You could just imagine the stuff he was mumbling to himself, making him feel even worse.

You sighed unbuckling your seat belt. Your feet dropped to the floor board. Your body leaning forward. You dropped your head to your hands as you began to cry. You had no clue of what came next for you guys, and going by the rate your at now it's not looking good.

You had so many thoughts going through your head. Like would he give up and leave you? Or would you two do something so stupid making Justin get into even more trouble than he already is in? You were just so worried about losing him. Your body shivering as you cried your eyes out, your body slowly bouncing as you gasped for air.

You couldn't handle the stress, you've never been able to. And the fact that it's your parents that are so disappointed with you. You never meant to hurt them, but you never thought about the consequences or how you'd feel if you ever got caught.
You felt a cold gust of air hit your body. You noticed your door being ripped open, arms wrapping around your body. Justin pulled you out of the car pulling you into his tight arms.

You cried against his shoulder, your tears staining his shirt. He remained silent, just holding you. His arms tight around your body, his fingers digging into your skin. He was much taller than you, covering you in his shadow. His chin laid on the top of your head. Your arms tightened around him as your tears became to grow harder.

"Cry baby. Just let it out." He whispered, and that's exactly what you did. You gasped for air. You were sure you had slobbered all over him but he didn't seam to care. "Justin what are we gonna do!" You asked, wiping your puffy eyes. He looked down at you, his eyes red themselves. He shook his head. "I...I don't know." He spoke, causing you to feel a lump in your throat.

You never thought he wouldn't have a plan. Justin pulled your chin up looking deeper into your eyes. "I see you questioning my love for you." He spoke, his strong fingers keeping your chin high. You felt another leftover tear rolling down your cheek. "I love you." He snapped. He let your chin fall and you immediately attached your lips to his for a second. "I love you too." You spoke, your arms wrapped around his neck.

1 hour later:

You sat across the booth from Justin, your fork pushing around your potato's on your plate. Your eyes hadn't blinked in the past minute. "Baby." Justin said catching your attention. "Eat." He mouthed. You looked away from him staring at you're filled plate. You dropped the fork looking into his eyes. His plate was licked clean, but he's a stress eater.

He looked into your eyes, his tongue licking over his lips. "Please eat baby." He spoke, his fork digging into your mashed potatoes before taking a bite himself. You couldn't eat, even though you were hungry. He set his fork down before looking out the window as the car's sat in the parking lot. "Justin." You said, his head snapping towards you.

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