Chapter 4

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Alice woke early the next day. She hopped up quickly, which was a bad idea because she began to feel dizzy and stumbled back onto her bed. Rubbing her head she moaned and stood up again, slowly. She lumbered into the kitchen and sat down on her stool, opened her notebook and rubbed her eyes so she could see the page clearly. She picked up the stone, she had left on the table and studied it.

She remembered the rock and grabbed it. She eyed it and placed it back down. Standing she hurried back to her bedroom had changed into some bleached jeans and a grey sweat shirt. She turned and walked to the bathroom, grabbing her boots out of the tub she put them on quickly.

She stood up and ran a comb through her thick hair, she sighed at the sight of purple circles under her wide green eyes. She quickly turned around and grabbed the rock and gem off her table and turned towards the window. She opened it and climbed out into the ladder.

She finished her climb down and walked down a dark alley until she reached the city. The streets were full of people wearing business suits holding brefe cases with their eyes ahead of them, as if they had one goal, to get to work on time. She played with to stone in her hand and arrived at a library. She pushed the doors open with her back and turned around entering the library.

The smell of antique books filled her nose and she turned and went down a small hallway leading to the 'big people books'. She reached a large room full of shelfs and shelfs on books. She sighed and continued walking towards a certain shelf.

Alice's NEW P.O.V

"Languages" I mumbled got down on my knees to examine the books. I heard the door to the library open and I stopped for a moment as a tall boy walked through. He had brown curly messy hair, and blue eyes. Oh god his eyes... I stared at him for a moment before he started staring at me. I blushed and turned back toward the books.

I took out the rock and looked at the print on the rock's side. I stood up seeing I didn't have the correct language yet. I saw a book about the Egyptian alphabet and brought it to a table. I sat down and opened the book to the Egyptian alphabet. I saw the boy again.

He was watching me, I gave him a killer look and he looked away. I rubbed my eyes and compared the stone's writing to the books. It looked the same... I guess. I walked back to the shelf and put the book back after a while. I saw the boy staring at me through the next shelf. I grabbed a random book and walked quickly to another shelf.

"I don't this that the Hebrew language is what your looking for" she stated, noticing the book in my hands. I squinted at him and kept walking. "Hey, I just wanted to make conversation" he said.

"I don't give a Fu..." But he cut me off.

"I know, but why is it a girl like you is looking for a book about the Hebrew language?" He asked. He sure was persistent.

"I am looking for something" I said honestly.

"And that is..?" She said.

"Just something!" I yelled frustrated by his persistence to know what it was.

"Okay, okay" he said holding up his hand in front of him. I stormed off, confused, and mad. I had always had a temper and the only one who understood me was... Nate.

"Wait, I'm sorry I bothered you" he said walked behind me.

"Get away from me! Can't you see I obviously don't want you are you dumb a*s jokes around" I said obviously frustrated and continued walking to another row of books.

"Sheesh, somebody got out on the wrong side of the coffin" GOD what did he want with me anyway!?

I backed him up against a book shelf. "Look I don't know who you are, or why you are here. All I know is that you are obviously an annoying jerk. So who the he*l are you?!" I demanded.

He flinched at I yelled at him, "Ok, my name is Will. Will Brown" he stated.

"Well, will get the fu..." I was cut off.. Again. A librarian came around the corner.

"If you two sweet heart want to make love in here, you gotta do it in the bathroom" she stated. My eyes (already big enough) widened.

"NO! I don't even know him! He was just.. Just.. Harassing me!!" I yelled at her.

"Actually" Will stated.

"Shut up!" I said giving him a killer look. I pushed Will away from me and stormed out of the big room into the hallway and out of the library. Just glad to be away from him.


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