Chapter 6

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Alice's P.O.V

I woke up, nauseated, on a bed. I tried to stand but found I was enchained to the bed. I cussed under my breath and heard something. "Will?" I asked cautiously.

"Sorry darling, this isn't Will" the voice spoke. It was clearly a man speaking.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked.

"Do you know were your brother is?" He asked slyly, avoiding my question.

"Nate... Where the fu*k is he?!!?" I screamed struggling against the chains around my legs.

"Don't worry, he is safe... For now" He stated clearly.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, trying to not let him see my panic.

"You know what I want... The stone.. Were is the stone?!" He yelled coming out of the shadows.

The man was tall, clearly older than me, he had black hair with grey edges. His eyes were electric green with a tinge of yellow. And his pupils.... Were like snake's. Two long slender black pupils... "I-I don't know" I said. I was terrible at lying.

"You bit*h," he spat "stop lying and just tell me were the da*m stone is!" He said taking his hand and slapping me hard across the face. I tasted metal and salt as blood began to trickle down my chin.

"I said, I don't know" I lied. My cheek burned and my clothes were spotted with blood.

"Stop lying" he said "if you tell me.... I will let you go" he said.

"What about my brother?" I said

"I will set him free once I get this da*med stone" he mumbled.

"Fine...." I said "it is in my apartment. The one were your stupid employe almost RAPED me!" I yelled.

"Will? Will tried to rape you?" He asked interested.

"Yes!" I screamed.

"Interesting, he only does that to the pretty ones." He said and walked away.

"The pretty ones? I thought you were going to set me free?!" I yelled.

"Oh, right, well I lied" he snickered. My eyes widened.

"Wait, please don't leave me here!" I pleaded "PLEASE!" I said beginning to break down in sobs.

"Shut up or I will have Will come back and MAKE him rape you" he sneered and disappeared into the shadows.

"NO, NO!" I screamed. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I had just... Lost it! I didn't want to die, not when I was this close to finding him.


I woke early and rubbed my eyes and saw the chains around my legs. A flash of panic went through my body.

"Rise and shine sunshine" I heard a demonic voice,

"Will?" I asked.

"Ooo you guessed correct!" He said sarcastically and appeared in front of me.

"What the fu*k do you want you basta*d" I said narrowing my eyes.

"I don't know. I just wanted to say sorry of hitting you, a girl" he sneered getting on the bed in front of my. I began to panic.

"Get away from me" but my voice broke and he was on top of me.

"Don't you love me?" He asked caressing my cheek with his hand?

"No, I don't! I barley know you and last time me talked, oh right you tried to rape and and kill me!" I screamed rolling over so now I was on top of him.

"Smooth move" he said. His breath caressed my cheeks, it smelled minty and... Before I knew it he was kissing me. I pulled back but he had me by the waist.

"No!" I said as he placed small kissed on my neck. "STOP!" I screamed and started pounding the ground. Then the other man came in...

"Will! My goodness you must really love this girl to be doing this to the poor dear."

"She is just so..pretty" he said caressing my neck.

"Please stop it!" I yelled sobbing.

"Ok let the girl go" the older man said.

Will sneered and pushed me off of him and stood up. I resolved to tears curling up in a ball on the bed.

"By the way Alice" said the older man "my name is Daemon" and they walked away.

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