Chapter 8

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Alice's "P.O.V"

Sweat trickled down my forehead onto my red cheeks. I was running, running away from something, but I didn't know what. My lungs burned as I took in the cold air. It was snowing, and my bare feet were stinging every step I took. Rocks bit into them, making blooded trail behind me. Then I stopped.

"Alice..." I heard a voice call. Will? No... It couldn't be.

"Na-Nate?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Alice, they are coming for you" he said coming out of the shadows. He looked more mature, but still was Nate with his dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Help me!" I shouted at him and ran at him. He grabbed my arm and yanked me towards a tree. He pinned me.

"I can't help you. Help me" he said. I blinked and he was gone.

"Come here...beautiful" said another voice. This one was different, it was sweet and longing. Will...

"Will.... No... What is going on?" I asked walking around. Searching.

"They want you back... Alice" he hissed my name and stepped toward me. He grabbed my waist and kissed me lustfully. Demandingly. He put his hand up my sweat shirt.

"No!" I screamed at him.

"Alice.... Alice.... Alice....!" He yelled in my ear.

Alice's (real) P.O.V

"Alice!" I woke up and saw Will above me, we were in a hotel room and I was on the bed covered in sweat. A plate of food was in front of me. I dove towards it and started eating hungrily. "Alice?!" He said turning me around. "Are you ok?" He said sitting in front of me looking into my eyes.

"Ye-" wait...was I ok?

"Alice..." He said again.

"No.." I said quietly. What was wrong with me? "What is wrong with me?" I asked looking at him.

"Nothing.." He said and looked at my lips. My lips. I leaned forward, so did he. I cautiously put my lips on his. He embraced me, I opened my mouth and let him explore it. My hands were on his neck and his hands were on my waist.

I pulled back.

"Will" I said and released my grip on his neck. He looked at me confused.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing," I sighed "I need to shower." I said standing up, truth was I did. Badly. I walked to the shower stripped and turned on the water.

Will P.O.V

I watched her walk to the bathroom and shut the door. She was... Gorgeous. Her long blonde hair, her stunning green eyes, her figure.... God.

"Stop it!" I said and laid back on the bed. I heard the shower turn off and looked at the bathroom door and waited her to come out. The door opened and Alice emerged with damp hair and the same clothes she had on when she came to us.

Alice's P.O.V

I came out and saw him on my... our bed. He was watching me as I moved closer to him. I sat on the edge of the bed, facing away from him. He sat up.

"Are you ok?" He asked confused.

"Why do you keep asking if I am ok, or what's wrong?" I said, I was starting to miss critical Will.

"Sorry, if I am concerned about your 'feelings'," he said "if you had any" he said mumbling the last part.

"Feelings?! You. You are asking ME about feelings?!" I screamed standing up. "Yu-you are the bastard who has been-been mind controlled or the last-last-last...... who the hell knows!!" I screamed it, my throat tightened. "Fuuck" I sighed on the verge of tears.

"A-" Will started.

"No" I sobbed. "Stop" I wanted to go home, I wanted my brother, I wanted to get away from all this shit.

"Alice" Will said sitting beside my broken figure. He gently touched my shoulder. I lifted my head, my face red. He gently caressed my cheek, moving his hand towards my jaw bone. Then to my neck.

He moved my hands to his neck and leaned forward. I wanted to be in his arms, to be held, but this wasn't right. We should be looking for Nate.

"No, Will" I said softly and took my hands away from him, scooting back. Curiosity filled his blue eyes.

"Alice..." He said touching my leg.

"I said No" I said my voice quavered. I laid down on the bed and cried softly.

Will's POV

She was upset, she was distressed. All I could do is... let her be. I laid beside her.

"Goodnight Will" she said softly.

"Good..night" I said slowly. I woke up, and felt something warm against my chest. I looked down, it was Alice in my arms. I felt her move.

"Nateisthatyou" she slurred.

"" I said removing my arm from her tiny waist.

"Wi-Will?" She said looking up at me.

"Yes" I said pushing my self into a sitting position.

"Oh" she said and pushed herself up beside me. "I am starving" she said pushing her blonde locks into place. She looked at me with her wide green eyes and smiled weakly.

"Ok, well...." I was at a loss for words, she was beautiful even with bed head. I looked at the food on the table she didn't finish. "What about that?" I asked pointing to it.

Alice's POV

I then realized he was shirtless. Had he been holding me last night? What did I care, he was hot.. Wait, what am I saying?! He is a arrogant.. Bitch and... damn I was hungry. Ohh there is food. I got out of bed and began eating. It was hard, but it was food.

"Mmmm" I moaned. "It's really good" I said finishing it off.

"Ok, ok now we need to go" he said seriously. Putting on a shirt. No don't cover the abbs.... Oh well. He was right.

"Where? What? Now?" I said surprised.

"Yes, Daemon will probably be coming, and he has an army of 100 plus sexy men" he said smiling. "Come on" he said. Opening the door to the hallway. I heard a hallow noise, then saw Will crumple to the floor. A man was standing in the door frame, with a gun. Daemon. He walked toward me.

"Think you could get away? No no Alice" he said. I saw a flash of metal, and the world around me grew blurry. I fell to my knees and blacked out.

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