Chapter 11

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Lexie's POV
As I walked to Alex and Jo's apartment with my kids it was already 5 o'clock I had to be there in an hour. As I knocked on the door Alex answered. "Hey little Grey, what's happening?" Alex asked me. "Ugh, why do people call me that?" I replied laughing. "Hey blame your husband, he started it. Anyways, Jo's in the shower she'll be out in a minute." Alex told me. "Okay thanks I replied, What are your guy's plans tonight?" I asked. "I'm going out with Jackson, Well gotta run bye." he said as he closed the door. When Jo walked out of the shower she was surprised to see me.

"Hey Lex, whats up?" she asked me. "What are you doing tonight?" I asked her. "Nothing why?" Jo replied questionably. "Well, I told Derek that I would babysit his kids, that's 5 kids, 5 kids Jo can you help me out tonight?" I asked her. "Yeah sure, why not." she replied. She got dressed and then we left. As we were driving we started a conversation. "Hey, Why does Meredith hate me so much?'' Jo asked me. "She doesn't hate you." I said.

Since Jo joined the program she an I have become best friends. There was a girl named Stephanie, I think that was good friends wit her but she left the program. Then we arrived and left the conversation there.

Meredith's POV
Derek told me we were going out tonight. "I'm exited  to get away and have a break from the kids for a night!" I told Derek. "Does that make me sound like a bad mom?" I asked him while laughing also because I was holding Ellis. "No, no it doesn't it makes you sound terrible, but just a little." He said laughing and taking Ellis from me and heading towards the door. Then he came up a kissed me. We were both laughing really hard. Then the doorbell rang.

"Come in." I yelled. Then I saw Wilson and Lex walk in. "Are these the babysitters for this evening?" I asked my husband. Damn he looked hot! "Yes, yes we are." She replied. "Alright bye kids love you!" I said while running out the door. "Bye Mommy!" Zola said to me. "Bye Baby!" I said and then I walked out the door, while Derek handed Ellis to Jo. "Derek, I have never left my kids since Bailey was born with anyone else but you." I told Derek. "Honey, It's fine I trust Lexie and Jo." He said and then he scooped me up, I started laughing hysterically the last time that happened was our little wedding, then we got into the car and left.

Alex's POV
"Hey Mark you got a sec?" I yelled as I saw Mark walking down the hall. "Yeah what's up Karev?" Mark responded. "Do you think I should propose to Jo? I've been debating for a while." I asked Mark. "Yes! I know for a fact that she's ready!"  Mark responded sounding very happy and sure. "Will you help me pick out the ring?" I asked him hoping he'd say yes.

"Yeah for sure. Just text me the details!" He said just then his pager buzzed. "Damn it!" He muttered, "See you later bud, oh and congratulations." He said running down the hall. I'm getting engaged I thought to myself. Life was good.

Lexie's POV
While Jo and I were cooking dinner the kids were playing in the family room. "Is having kids hard?" Jo asked me."um, Yeah! It's a ton of work but the reward is amazing." I responded. "I've always wanted kids but I don't think Alex does, well not soon." Jo said. "Well just asked him." I said. "I guess, Why not." Jo said.

Just then we finished the dinner and had the kids eat. As I was putting Zola, Bailey, and Ellis down for bed I gave Jo my kids."How are my babies." I said walking twords Marcus then bending down to pick him up. "Perfect, Your kids are perfect." Jo told me. "Do you ever think Alex is going to propose?" Jo asked me. "Yeah I think he's going to when the time is right." I told her. Then Mer and Derek walked in the door, making out.

"Your kids are asleep!" I yelled as they walked towards their room. "Thank you guys!" Derek said slamming their bedroom door. Then Jo and I headed to my place. Once we got to my house we put the kids in bed and I grabbed beers for the both of us. "See that's what I want, I want love like Meredith and Derek's. I want to be able to come home to a house full of kids and then go and have amazing sex!" She said. "Preach it!" We drank our beers and talked the rest of the night.

April's POV
Jackson got home at around 1:30 in the morning. "Hey babe what's up? Why are you on the couch?" He asked quietly. "While Liam's in our room taking over half of the bed and Blake is over in that thing and I'm holding Karlee." I responded. "Here, let me help." He said while grabbing Karlee and sitting on the couch. I walked into my room and picked up my now oldest child and walked him into his room. As I set him on his bed I thought why don't I just lay here for a minute, then I feel asleep.

Jackson's POV
As I was holding Karlee I heard crying, which was Blake. As I picked up Blake and put Karlee in his place I knew he was hungry, April was dealing with Liam so I ran to the fridge and found the breast milk. I heated it up and put it in the bottle. "I wonder what mommy is doing with your brother?" I said talking to Blake. "Should we go see? I think we shall." As I walked into Liam's room I saw April asleep with Liam on his bed. After I finished feeding Blake I took him and Karlee into April and I's room, good thing we had two things in there where they could sleep. I decided I would give April a break and take care of the twins for the night.

April's POV
I woke up and looked at the clock on the wall in my son's room It said 9:38 p.m. "oh my god, why am I sleeping?" I yelled in my head. Then I saw Jackson walking in with a sleeping Karlee. "Hey babe how'd you sleep?" He asked me while handing me Karlee. "Goo-  I DON'T FEEL A HEART BEAT JACKSON WHY DON'T I FEEL A HEARTBEAT!" I yelled. Just then I knew something was horribly wrong Jackson quickly got Blake into his car seat, called an ambulance, got Liam and quickly got dressed himself. I just sat there with her in my arms.

7 minutes later
The ambulance arrived and we then rushed to the hospital.

Alex's POV
My pager started going off violently while I was taking a nap in the on-call room. When I read the pager I ran as fast as I could down to the pit. "What the hell is this?" I ask Arizona as we start putting on our gowns. "I don't know." She said tying my gown, after our gowns were tied we headed to the oncoming rig.

"What do we got!" Robbin's yelled at the paramedic. "1 Month old female in heart failure, had to revive her once I the field." I looked over at the monster. Flatline. "We have to get her to the NICU right now!" I yelled as Arizona and I booth grabbed a side of the bed running into the hospital.

As I looked into the back of the rig I saw Jackson holding Liam and April sitting down sobbing. "Robbins this is and Avery! We have to save her." I told her "Your damn right we."

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