Chapter 6

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Marks POV
I'm really nervous to meet Arizona. What if Callie came to. I've talked to Arizona a couple of times since everything happened but I haven't spoke to Callie for a year and a couple of months. When Lexie and I walked in with our kids I just saw Arizona, I was almost certain she was going to bring Callie along. "Hey!" Arizona said while waving at us. "Hey!" I said While walking over to her table. Lexie muttered under her breath " If anything goes south I'm leaving with the kids, I'll meet you in the car ok?" I nodded in response. "So how's it going with a 13 year old?" I asked Arizona. "Well. It's different it's always like good cop bad cop with me and Callie, but it's nice to always have a babysitter. Also, she's adjusted well into our lives she feels like our own." Arizona said. "Good!" I replied. Just then we saw Callie and the girls getting out of her car. "Arizona what the hell!" Lexie yelled. "I swear I didn't tell her!" Arizona replied with a worried face. "Lexie I've got to face her at one point it might as well be now. You leave, I got this baby. Just trust me." I said softly and gave her a kiss on the cheek before she started for the door. "I always trust you babe, you got this." Lexie whispered.

Callie's POV
Kylie asked if we could go to Starbucks before I dropped her and Sofia off at the hospital day care center, so I said yes I was craving coffee so bad. Raising a teenager is way different than raising a baby. "Kylie wait!" I yelled while trying to get Sophia out of her car seat. "But Callie, I want to get in line." she replied. "Just wait, okay look both ways." I told her. "I know." She said. "Where was Arizona this morning?" She asked me kinda sadly. "I don't know, I was wondering the same thing, she probably had an early surgery." I said back. When we entered the coffee shop I saw a familiar back. "Mark?" I said waiting for the man to turn around. When he turned around it was Mark. "Hi Callie." He said. I noticed he had two car seats with him. "Are those the boys?" I asked. Just then I saw Arizona coming our way."Mommy!" Sofia yelled while walking to Arizona."Hey!" Arizona said while picking up Sofia and giving her a little kiss on the forehead. "Arizona!" Kylie also yelled while running words her. "Hey!" Arizona said while hugging Kylie.

I knew both the kids liked Arizona better because she was always the good cop, but it didn't bug me that much they still love me. "Hey babe." I said while giving her a kiss. "Hello, why did you get up so early I thought you had the day off?" She responded back to me while giving me a kiss "I did but one of my patients came back in so I need to go check her out. Why'd you leave so early?" I asked her." I just wanted some coffee." she said. "Okay, why is Mark here then?" I asked her. "We just ran into each other and started to talk so." she replied. I looked over in marks direction. "Mark I'm so sorry about the whole Lexie thing will you please forgive me?" I asked Mark. Just as I was talking Lexie walked through the door. "Lexie?" I said. "Look I'm so so so so so sorry for what I said I miss having you guys in my life please please please forgive me." I pleaded. "I forgive you I miss you too." Lexie replied as she hugged me. "How about dinner tonight around 8:00?" She asked me. "Sounds great, kids or no kids?" I asked. "Kids, obviously we have no choice." Lexie said. "All right lets go to work!" I said to everyone.

"Do I have to go to the stupid daycare thing I'm 13." Kylie pleaded. "Yes, I don't want to leave you at home alone." I told her while walking to the car. "I hate this, and that stupid daycare center!" She said under her breath but I could still here her. "It's not stupid it's nice knowing that your safe while I'm working." I told her. "I hate it!" She yelled then ran to Mark and Lexie's car and slammed the door. I knew she liked Mark and Lexie a lot. She always talked about seeing them when they were occasionally at the hospital. I almost went to the car and dragged her out, but right as I was about to open the door Arizona stepped in my way, she could always tell when I was pissed. "No, she can't talk to me like that!" I said. "Honey, just go to the hospital I got this." Arizona said trying to calm me down. "Fine, I love you." I said storming to my car. "Callie I'm taking Sophia too, okay?" Arizona said. "Thank you." I said, then Arizona got Sophia and I left.

Arizona's POV
I could tell that Callie was really angry, but I didn't want her to ruin her relationship with Kylie shes worked so hard to build this relationship up, she would've just torn it all down. "Mark, can Kylie ride with you? She's mad at Callie and she's kinda in your car?" I asked him. "Sure she's always welcome to ride with her Uncle Mark and Aunt Lexie!" Mark replied with a smile on his face. "But were going home." Mark said figuring out the problem, But before I could say anything Lexie chimed in. "Her and Sofia are welcome to come to our house until your done with work." she said. "That would be great." I thanked her. "Good thing we took my car today!" Mark said. "Yeah, good thing." I said back to him. "This will give me a chance to talk to Callie, Thanks I really really appreciate it." I said. "No problem, Go have fun at work!" Mark said. "Thanks, not!" I replied. Then they left with my kids.

Lexie's POV
When we got home it was total chaos. Both of my boys wanted to eat. Sofia was crying because she wanted Arizona, but Kylie just sat there. "I'm coming baby!" I said while rushing to Marcus's aid. After I fed both the boys they both went down for naps, when I headed downstairs it was very quiet.

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