Chapter 1

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"With the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Ivypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Ivysplash." Ivysplash bent her head and licked her leader's shoulder. "Congratulations, Ivysplash," murmured Amberstar.

"Ivysplash! Dawnpetal! Ivysplash! Dawnpetal!"

As the chorus of cheers engulfed her, Ivysplash glanced sideways at her best friend, Dawnpetal. Dawnpetal's eyes reflected exactly what Ivysplash felt: disbelief that they were becoming warriors at last.

Ivysplash let her gaze sweep over her Clanmates. There was Splashstripe, a hardworking senior warrior, and Flametail, loyal and thoughtful. Snowtail, RiverClan's new deputy and Ivysplash's former mentor, smiled warmly at her. Jayheart stood next to her tabby apprentice, Acornpaw, and Stonestream, the medicine cat, crouched not far away. Off to the side of the camp stood Redclaw, his tail wrapped over his paws. The large reddish brown tom was raking his gaze over the RiverClan warriors, as always. If need ever arose for a new deputy, he would probably be chosen, Ivysplash thought. He knows and certainly isn't afraid to show it.

After the ceremony, Ivysplash padded to the nursery where her mother was nursing two kits. Icekit and Tigerkit jumped for her tail as she ducked through the entrance.

"Ivysplash! Congratulations on becoming a warrior," Willowstorm meowed warmly.

"Thanks," replied Ivysplash, blushing. Icekit suddenly screeched as she and Tigerkit rolled over each other in a fierce play-fight. Willowstorm sighed. "These two are certainly a pawful." She winked at Ivysplash, a smile behind her eyes. "But StarClan knows there are worse places to spend six moons."

A call split the air outside the den. "You had better go," her mother mewed. "I think I hear Snowtail calling you."

Outside the den, her former mentor padded up to her. "Congratulations, Ivysplash," Snowtail mewed. "Would you like to join our hunting patrol to celebrate? Dawnpetal is coming too."

Ivysplash let out a purr of delight. "Of course!"


"Split up, everyone," ordered Snowtail as the four cats waded out of the river on the opposite bank. "Reedstone and I will take the stream. Ivysplash, you and Dawnpetal can hunt along the bank."

As Ivysplash and Dawnpetal climbed onto the shore, Dawnpetal hissed, "Look! It's a water vole!"

The cream-colored she-cat flicked her tail for Ivysplash to follow, and then she motioned to the left. "There," she whispered.

Dawnpetal began creeping silently around the vole and waved her tail for Ivysplash to stay behind. When the vole was between Dawnpetal and Ivysplash, Dawnpetal leaped forward, stirring up leaves and crunching twigs. The startled vole ran right into Ivysplash's paws. She killed it with a bite to the neck.

"Nice work!" exclaimed Dawnpetal.

Ivysplash smiled. "Thanks, but you set it up."

By the time Snowtail and Reedstone had found the two younger she-cats, the four of them had amassed three fish, a pigeon, and a water vole to bring back to camp. The patrol carried the fresh-kill back across the stream and through the reed tunnel.

A terrible sight met the eyes of the returning cats. A pale gray she-cat was lying in the middle of the clearing, fur flat, eyes glazed, legs splayed. "No!" Ivysplash dropped her fresh-kill and rushed to the cat's side. A long gash in the cat's neck made Ivysplash shudder. This cat had been killed by a warrior's blow. Ivysplash tried to shut the image out of her mind, but it was no use. The dead cat lying in front of her was Willowstorm.

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