Chapter 5

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Ivysplash woke to the sound of Amberstar calling the cats together to go to the Gathering. Silver slivers of moonlight slipped in through the cracks in the den roof.

"Ivysplash! Where is Ivysplash?" called the RiverClan leader.

"Here," Ivysplash mewed groggily, stepping out of the den and into the cool evening air.

"Good, let's go." Amberstar padded through the reed tunnel with Snowtail behind her.

Ivysplash followed Dawnpetal and the others out of the camp and across the stream. They paused at the top of the bank. Ivysplash scented WindClan and ShadowClan already crossing the log bridge to the island. ThunderClan was last to arrive, as usual. The elders of the other Clans always complained about how Pinestar's fame was for his perpetual tardiness.

Ivysplash hurried onto the log bridge right after Amberstar and Snowtail and ran onto the island. She had to find Lion, Tiger, and Raven.

"Hey! You stepped on my tail!" growled a skinny ShadowClan cat. Ivysplash stepped back and studied the jet-black tom. "Ravenfang! It's you!" Ravenfang stared at the surprised she-cat blankly. She continued more calmly. "Sorry, I'm Ivysplash. I'll explain if you meet me on the far side of the island in a moment. I have to find two other cats first."

Ivysplash found Tigerpelt of WindClan easily. The brown-striped she-cat was talking with two ShadowClan apprentices. However, it took her a while to find Lionstorm of ThunderClan. She finally found him talking to another ThunderClan warrior, a dark brown tom. As she approached, the other tom noticed her over Lionstorm's shoulder and shot her an unfriendly glance. Ivysplash realized it was one of the cats that she and her Clanmates had chased off RiverClan territory during their patrol. Lionstorm noticed the tom's orange gaze being directed over his shoulder and he turned around. His gaze softened when it rested on Ivysplash.

"Lionstorm," Ivysplash meowed awkwardly, "May I have a word with you?" Confusion flitted across Lionstorm's gaze for a heartbeat. Then it was gone, replaced by polite consent. "Of course." His mew was deep and friendly.

As Ivysplash, Lionstorm, and Tigerpelt reached the other side of the island, Ravenfang greeted them. "So, Ivysplash, what's this all about?"

"I've had a dream," she began. The black tom cut in scathingly. "Haven't we all?"

Ivysplash glared at him. "No, this was a dream from StarClan. My mother visited me and told me I had to find Raven, Tiger, and Lion." She recited the prophecy and then continued, "It meant Ravenfang of ShadowClan, Tigerpelt of WindClan, and Lionstorm of ThunderClan. You three. I'm Ivy of RiverClan." She paused at three cats' expressions.

Ravenfang's gaze revealed suspicious surprise, while Tigerpelt and Lionstorm looked at Ivysplash with wonder. Ivysplash finished, "Will you come on this journey with me?"

"I will," replied Tigerpelt, her eyes wide.

"Lionstorm? Ravenfang?"

"Y--yes," Lionstorm meowed. His deep mew shook slightly but his gaze remained steady.

"I'm sorry, but I can't," replied Ravenfang curtly.

"But Ravenfang--"

"I said I can't. And I won't."

"But we need you in the prophecy! You are Raven!"

"You'll just have to find a different Raven," the black tom retorted icily.

Ivysplash glared at him before looking back at the other two cats. "I think we should tell only our leaders about who we are in the prophecy."

"Good idea," Lionstorm mewed. "We should leave before dawn in three sunrises, to give us enough time to get ready, and we'll meet near the greenleaf Twoleg nest. But now we should get back to the clearing. The Gathering's going to start soon."

As the four cats padded into the clearing, Pinestar, Amberstar, and Dovestar leaped up into the Great Oak smoothly. Briarstar slipped on his attempt. While Amberstar dug her teeth into the old leader's scruff and hauled him onto the branch, Dovestar yowled, "Let the Gathering begin!"

Pinestar called, "ThunderClan will report first. Prey is running well. Hollypelt has given birth to three healthy kits; however, one has been stolen." He shot a glare at Dovestar as WindClan warriors below shouted in protest.

The ThunderClan leader continued, "Dovestar, we noticed several of your warriors acting strangely along the border a few days ago. I don't know who stole that ThunderClan kit, but StarClan forbid I should find out..." He trailed off, staring at Dovestar accusingly. She ignored his hard gaze as she stepped forward.

"WindClan is doing well. Shadowstorm and Cedarfrost chased a fox and its cubs off our territory and past the Moonpool. Squirrelpelt has retired to become an elder." She finished and nodded for Briarstar. The old tabby cleared his throat and began.

"Duskflower has given birth to two kits: Badgerkit and Quickkit. Lilydawn's kit, Mosskit, is about to be apprenticed." Briarstar turned to look at Pinestar. "Around the time of the half-moon, one of our patrols chased off two of your warriors, Pinestar, who were trespassing over our border." The orange and white fur of the ThunderClan leader bristled, but he kept his jaws clenched.

Briarstar motioned for Amberstar to step up. Will Amberstar mention the trespassing ShadowClan warriors? Ivysplash wondered. RiverClan's leader meowed, "RiverClan is flourishing. Prey is running very well, and we are keeping our borders free of intruders." She paused and shot a sideways glance at Briarstar. The brown tom looked back at her silently with no flicker of emotion. "Snowtail has become the new deputy, and Dawnpaw and Ivypaw are now Dawnpetal and Ivysplash." As she stepped back, a chorus of cheers rose up. "Dawnpetal! Ivysplash! Dawnpetal! Ivysplash!"

Ivysplash glanced at her friend and purred. As the cheers died down, Amberstar called, "The Gathering is now over! May StarClan light your path!" When RiverClan arrived back at the camp, Ivysplash went straight to the warriors' den. She was asleep before her head hit the moss of her nest.

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