Chapter 22

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"Pull harder!" Amberstar grunted as she and Ivysplash worked to pull Redclaw's body back to the RiverClan camp.  Snakefang's wail still rang in Ivysplash's ears even though it had been cut short with a sickening snap some time ago.

The she-cats had decided to let ThunderClan  find his body.  They would think he had died hunting for ShadowClan rather than trying to kill RiverClan's leader in cold blood.  The truth about Snakefang would never come out.  Redclaw's, however, was another story.

The sounds of battle were gone from the camp.  All sounds of the forest were gone, too, Ivysplash noticed.  A bloodstained shell of the RiverClan camp lay before Ivysplash and Amberstar as they padded through the entrance.  Queens and elders lay along the edge of the camp while the warriors comforted them.  Sorrow rose in Ivysplash's throat as she took in the devastating scene.

A voice behind Ivysplash startled her.  "Ivysplash!"

Ivysplash turned around to see Ravenfrost outlined in the camp entrance.  "Tigerpelt sent me.  She says she needs you in the WindClan camp right now.  It's important."

Ivysplash nodded.  She trusted the black tom entirely.  "I'm coming," she meowed.

Ivysplash was not prepared for the look in Tigerpelt's eyes as she arrived in the WindClan camp.  Anguish shone through Tigerpelt's gaze like fish in a clear stream.  Ivysplash was instantly at her friend's side, trying to comfort her.

Tigerpelt spoke only three words: "It's my father."

Ivysplash followed her friend to a small den under a bush.  Piles of leaves and berries were neatly arranged on the floor and bundles had been carefully placed in indentations in the ground.  Ivypslash realized this must be the medicine den.

Tigerpelt padded into the den and bent down next to an old red-brown tom lying in the corner of the den.  "This is Cedarfrost, my father.  He was wounded in the battle."

Ivysplash nodded, seeing the gashes in Cedarfrost's side, and dipped her head respectfully.  "Greetings, Cedarfrost."

The old tom seemed to notice Ivysplash for the first time and rasped, "Now that I have two witnesses, Tigerpelt, let me explain."

Ivysplash looked at Tigerpelt with surprise, but the she-cat simply nodded and turned to her father.

Cedarfrost began abruptly. "Tigerpelt, do you know where you were born?  Which Clan you really belong to?"  Seeing his daughter's startled expression, he continued more gently, "Your mother and I were from two different Clans.  I was from WindClan, and she was a ShadowClan cat.  We met at a Gathering and after many moons, she bore a beautiful little she-cat.

"We knew you would not be fully accepted as a half-Clan cat, so we met one night and she gave you to me, telling me to raise you in WindClan.  She went back and told her Clanmates that her kit had died from the cold, and no one seemed to notice the appearance of a kit in WindClan.

"So I raised you to be a WindClan warrior, although I must say you have your mother's ShadowClan appearance."

Tigerpelt exchanged a surprised look with Ivysplash, who realized that Tigerpelt really was meant to go on the journey, because she was part ShadowClan.

Cedarfrost continued, "The truth and memories of your past will die with me, Tigerpelt, so you may stay in WindClan unchallenged." The old tom dipped his head wearily.  "It's what your mother would have wanted."

Tigerpelt let out a small wail and nuzzled her father's ears.  "Please don't leave."

Cedarfrost let out a long sigh and said, "Goodbye, Tigerpelt, and may StarClan forever light your path."  Then his eyes glazed over and he passed into the realm of StarClan.

Tigerpelt buried her face in Cedarfrost's stiff fur and whispered, "May StarClan light your path, Cedarfrost."  Remembering Willowstorm, Ivysplash rubbed her face up against Tigerpelt's to comfort her.  Tigerpelt set her jaw determinedly and she meowed, "I will stay in WindClan, now that I know who I am.  I'll stay here and honor my mother and father."

Ivysplash dipped her head to her friend's resolve and said, "I should get back to my own Clan.  Amberstar will need all the help she can get to rebuild RiverClan."

Tigerpelt nodded and said, "Goodbye, Ivysplash, until we meet again."  The two she-cats touched noses one last time before Ivysplash padded out of the WindClan camp and back across the river to where her Clan was waiting for her.

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