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park hyemi scanned the row of shops in front of her until she found the particular shop she had been looking for.

'bone appetit'

she smiled to herself and entered the petshop with her little puppy, wonnie trotting along beside her held by its leash.

she entered the shop and immediately headed over to the rows of dog food beside the counter and began looking at them.

"my, aren't you the cutest little thing~"

hyemi turned around to see a tall boy behind the counter cooing at her puppy. he had grayish-blue hair and he stopped in his tracks as she looked at him.

the boy couldn't help but notice how pretty she was and how adorable her dog was. he swallowed hard and grinned at her.

hyemi's eyes trailed down to his nametag which read 'mingyu'.

"er- im looking for a specific brand of dog food? because, wonnie here isn't exactly in the best state and the vet recommended this brand." she said as she continued to scan through the stacks of dog food on the shelf.

"oh- we don't have that at the moment but. uh. how about you give me your number and i'll give you a call once we get the stock?" mingyu smiled to himself, as hyemi was still looking the other way.

mingyu went behind the counter and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

"ah, okay. im hyemi, by the way." she said as she scrawled her number on the paper.

"okay, hyemi. i'll call you soon then. i mean- as soon as we get the stock." he mumbled, trying not to sound like he was being suffocated by how pretty she was.

hyemi thanked him with a smile and left the shop with wonnie trotting at her heels. mingyu watched her leaving with the hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"buddy, your tongue is hanging out."

mingyu turned to see his co-worker, dokyum smirking at him.

"what? i wasn't staring at her!" mingyu put his hands up.

"i was talking to the dog." dokyum pointed at a dog sitting in a cage in the corner who had its tongue hanging out. he then proceeded to laugh loudly, while mingyu threw the pen he was holding at him.


a/n; so far so good? im going to try my hardest not to procrastinate on this ok.

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