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hyemi sat down on her bed stroking wonnie gently as she heard the familiar beep of her phone. she didn't need to look at it to know who it was.

kim mingyu.

she had to admit that she was being ridiculous. both wonnie and herself were fine but she couldn't bring herself to reply. she didn't even know why.

she missed him a lot though. and she knew their relationship could definitely not be mended through text. but she was going to try. she picked up and looked at the unread messages from mingyu.

mingyu: good morning, hyemi!

mingyu: i hope you're healthy. take care of yourself and wonnie!

mingyu: ive got work today. i hope dokyum isn't in a hyper mood today.

mingyu: if you're leaving the house, dress warmly. it's getting cold out. ^^

hyemi blinked back tears. mingyu cared for her so much while on the other hand, she was being a complete jerk to him. she put down her phone and put on a coat as he advised.

she clipped the leash on wonnie and she headed off to the petshop.


hyemi reached the petshop and took a deep breath before pushing the for open.

she was expected to be greeted by mingyu with his blue-grey hair buy all she saw was mingyu's co-worker who was sitting at the counter with his usual grinning face.

he gaped at her and grinned after she came in.

"ah, looking for mingyu? he's usually late to work. im dokyum by the way." dokyum laughed.

"hi, yeah. is it okay if i wait here?" hyemi idled by the counter.

"aw, he's been a little down lately and he won't tell me anything-" dokyum began.

"ah, i may or may not be the reason for that, no comment." hyemi tried to joke but she was feeling very nervous for when mingyu would show up.

ten minutes went by with dokyum trying get hard to make jokes but the atmosphere was too awkward he excused himself into the back room.

just then, she heard the 'ding' of the door opening and she turned to see who it was.

"mingyu.." she mumbled as she watched his face change from idle to shocked to happy.

he rushed towards hyemi and threw his arms around her, enveloping her in a tight hug.

"hyemi. i missed you so much and im so sorry for everything i did. it was an accident and i know its hard to forgive me but-"

hyemi cut him off by kissing him while standing on her tiptoes. mingyu's eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"ive already forgiven you, silly. you need to forgive me now. i was such a jerk."

"wow. i- i was never mad at you anyway." mingyu smiled at her.

"yeah, bro! i knew this would work out!" hyemi and mingyu turned around to see dokyum cheering and doing a little happy dance at the door of the back room. wonnie scrambled out of hyemi's grasp and started leaping around playfully at dokyum's side.

"stop watching us, man!" mingyu laughed and shot him a playful death glare.

"kiss kiss kiss!" dokyum began chanting.

and thus, they listened to dokyun who squealed and cringed as they did so.

mingyu couldn't be happier and neither could hyemi.


a/n; thanks for reading! i hope y'all enjoyed this

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