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the next day, hyemi was walking wonnie by the sidewalk while humming softly to herself. she was pretty excited about her date with mingyu and she could hardly get him off her mind.

she stopped next to the traffic light as she waited for it to turn red. she started walking across the zebra crossing, gently pulling wonnie along.

it happened so fast. she didn't see the white car speeding her way. she heard a horrifying yelp from wonnie and she fell into blackness.

she wasn't sure if it had been hours, days or even minutes when she woke up. she was in a bright room. a hospital room.

she heaved a breath and tried to move her body. she didn't feel any pain except for her head. she blinked several times and turned to her left where she saw mingyu sleeping in a chair.

"m-mingyu.." she whispered loud enough for mingyu to hear.

"hyemi, you're awake! how are you feeling?" he got up and rushed to her side.

"tired. but okay." she nodded her head slowly and struggled to sit up. suddenly, she gasped and widened her eyes.

"wonnie! where is he?"

"he was transferred to the pet hospital department. i don't know of his condition. and im so sorry, hyemi." mingyu bit his lip and fiddled with his fingers.

"wha- for what? you brought me here, right? i should be thanking you." hyemi squinted in confusion at him.

"no, hyemi. i- i was the one who knocked into you and wonnie."


a/n; dun dun duuun!

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