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mingyu: guess what?

mingyu: guess guess guess

mingyu: gUESS

hyemi: omg mingyu- what is it?

mingyu: i said guess but whatever im just gonna tell you.

mingyu: the food's here!

mingyu: so i get to see you again.

( message deleted )

hyemi: great! should i come by now to get it?

mingyu: that'd be great!

hyemi: okay. be there soon : )

mingyu put down his phone and bustled to the bathroom, furiously trying to style his hair to make it look presentable.

he came out quite pleased with the results he had achieved from his hair styling. he smiled and checked himself one last time in the mirror before heading back to the counter proudly.

"so when's your crush coming over?" dokyum grinned and sat down beside mingyu.

"what- i don't know what you're talking about." mingyu tried to hide his reddening cheeks.

"why's your hair all styled then?" the corner of one side of dokyum's lips raised and he knew he had trapped mingyu.

"i- i always like to look good." mingyu sniffed and smiled casually at dokyum who was on the verge of bursting out in laughter at how uncomfortable mingyu looked.

just then, the bell on the door dinged and in she walked. hyemi's hair was blowing in the breeze and he skin was glowing, much like an angel. or at least that's how mingyu saw her.

"mingyu, hi!" she grinned and raised a hand in greeting.

"go get her, buddy." dokyum winked and whispered to mingyu before shooting hyemi a polite smile and walking to the other end of the store to leave the two alone.

"how many bags do you want?" mingyu mentally facepalmed himself again. wow, mingyu. great way to make small talk.

"hm, two bags will do. can you help me load it into my car?" hyemi took out some money from her purse and paid for the food.

mingyu, being the gentleman he was ((also, it was his job to help)), helped transport the two large bags into her car.

"thank you so much, mingyu! i'll talk to you later!" hyemi smiled and got into her car.

"later!" mingyu waved as he watched her drive off. even though the time he got to see her was short, he enjoyed every moment of it.

he went back into the shop to find dokyum sitting and smirking at him.

"did you ask her out? did you kiss her? did you fall to the ground and confess your undying love for her?" dokyum threw his arms out dramatically.

"no, no and no. ... at least not yet." mingyu muttered the last part to himself.


a/n; i wanted to thank you guys for your comments bc they give me life ok. so keep spamming me with comments pleaseee ♡

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