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a while later, mingyu arrived at the park. which was absolutely deserted. not one person in sight. he sat on a bench and waited for about 10 minutes.

"she stood me up. great." mingyu frowned and stood up. as soon as he turned around, he crashed in hyemi, who had just arrived at the park.

both of them fell on the grass with mingyu on top of her. while a happy little wonnie scampered around, trying to get in between the two of them.

mingyu stood up and helped her up, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"uh- i meant to do that." he gave her a grin, trying to sound relaxed although he was mentally facepalming himself.

"i didn't think you'd be falling for me this quick." hyemi laughed as she tried to pick out leaves from her messy hair. after she said those words, she cringed and smiled apologetically at mingyu.

mingyu laughed and shook his head as he bent down to stroke wonnie.

"i need a filter for my mouth to stop saying cheesy things." she tapped her lips with her hand.

"i like cheesy." he looked up at her and grinned, his right hand still petting wonnie.

"uh- i mean. cheesy as in cheesy pizza and burgers!" mingyu mentally facepalmed again. why wasn't he able to keep his cool around her?

hyemi raised an eyebrow at him, the corners of her lips tugging upwards as she stifled a laugh. she plopped down on the grass beside mingyu and she started showing off wonnie and the tricks she had taught him.

mingyu tried his hardest to focus on wonnie and not on hyemi. but undoubtedly, he failed. his eyes always made their way back to her.


a/n; third chapter to make up for the super lame previous chapter ok. pls love me.

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