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"you?" hyemi paused as she absorbed this information.

just then, a nurse came into the room, looking solemn.

"oh, miss. you're awake."

hyemi's looked away from mingyu towards the nurse.

"how's wonnie?"

"oh, about your dog, miss.. he's still unconscious. and we're- we're not sure if he's going to make it." the nurse looked down apologetically and left.

"you!" hyemi turned back to mingyu and pointed at him angrily, before she crumpled and broke out in tears.

mingyu tried to put an arm around hyemi but she pushed him away.

"don't touch me."

"hyemi, i said i was sorry." mingyu whispered.

"sorry doesn't make wonnie wake up. i can't believe-" she continued to cry as mingyu stood by the bed.

"it was an accident, hyemi." mingyu said softly.

"no, i don't want to talk to you now. please just- just leave, mingyu." hyemi said weakly and turned away from mingyu.

mingyu sighed and left the room quietly. he went to find the nurse from earlier.

"excuse me. er- can you please do everything you can to save hyemi's dog? he really means the world to her so please try to do all that you can."

the nurse nodded and gave him a small smile before leaving mingyu standing by himself in the hospital corridor.

"she means a lot to me and i don't want her to hurt." he whispered to himself.


a/n; how not to procrastinate 101. thanks for reading ♡

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