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a couple days later, hyemi had just gotten ready to take wonnie to the park when her phone beeped and lighted up with a text.

unknown: is this hyemi?

hyemi: yes, that's me. who's this?

unknown: it's mingyu. from the petshop?

hyemi: oh. is the food in stock already?

unknown: er no. i was just texting to say hi. so hi!

hyemi couldn't help but smile at this message. she immediately changed the name from 'unknown' to 'mingyu'.

hyemi: hi to you too! : )

mingyu: what are you up to?

hyemi: im about to take wonnie to the park to play.

mingyu: can i come?

and just like that, mingyu had invited himself over to the park to see hyemi and little wonnie.


a/n; i don't even know what im writing tbh. i have no direction for this story yet hELP.

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