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"okay mingyu, you can do this. just say something cool to start the conversation." mingyu mumbled to himself as he lay on his bed that night.

mingyu: hi. : )

"yep, so cool." he rolled his eyes. he seemed to be mentally facepalming himself a lot nowadays with things that were related to hyemi.

hyemi: hi hi!

mingyu: knock knock!

hyemi: what do you want, dummy?

mingyu: KNOCK KNOCK!

hyemi: ... who's there?

mingyu: wire.

hyemi: wire who?

mingyu: wire you so cute?

hyemi: wow

hyemi: #stopmingyu2k15

hyemi: wait- you think im cute? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

mingyu: uhh no comment

mingyu: one more. knock knock.

hyemi: who's there?

mingyu: will.

hyemi: will who?

mingyu: will you go out with me?

mingyu clutched his phone to his chest with his eyes shut tightly. what he didn't know that hyemi had almost dropped her phone from excitement.

hyemi: omg yes

hyemi: i mean sure whatever.

mingyu: playing it cool, eh? nice.

mingyu: but thanks. how about in two days time after my shift?

hyemi: alright, dummy!

mingyu put his phone down beside him and sighed in relief.

she said yes.

she said yes!



a/n; thank you to everyone who's reading + voting on this. i am eternally grateful ♡ also, bts comeback is the bomb. the bangtan bomb. okno.

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