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  Life without Louis was one of the hardest things I have ever had to accomplish. I had no idea what to do without him, but I knew that I could not give up under any circumstances. He wouldn't want me to just live my life in depression and grief and do nothing with it. He would want me to get up and take control and that is exactly what I am trying to do. 

  I was currently helping with the construction of the new castle that would soon be my control center. I have already taken on my role as queen and made a few orders to change certain laws. The very first thing I did with my new position in the world was get rid of the adoption rule. Children will stay in their homes until they decide they are ready to move out. Everyone is given the opportunity to join together to find their mates at two annual balls that will be held in the castle as soon as construction is complete. To me this was the most important thing. It held a place in my heart for all of the girls and woman that had to undergo that because I had to do go through exact same thing. If it wasn't for the adoption law though, I would have never met Louis and my life would probably be normal. That is why I decided to have balls held in the castle where people from all over the world would have a chance to meet their mates and live life happily.

  I miss Louis more than words could ever explain. I have felt like I should just have died with him and thrown myself into the rogues arms. That I should have let the rogues do with me as they please because I had nothing else to live for. There was no point in staying alive and fighting the pain of losing my mate everyday. 

  All of those thoughts went away when I got sick for several days on end. I would have never believed it to be true if it wasn't for the slight bulge that was beginning to take over my stomach. The constant nausea and need for food twenty-four seven also confirmed it. I was pregnant with Louis' child. Things had been so crazy towards the end of all the fighting that I never took acknowledgment of the changes that were taking over my body. I am extremely grateful for the blessing that was growing inside of my stomach, but I also didn't know what to do having the baby grow up without its father. It would be an extremely tough thing for the both of us to go through, but I also know that I am not alone. I know that all of the boys and their mates, who have turned out to my rocks, are going to be there to support me through it all. 

  The first people I told that I was pregnant were all of the girls. I knew that they suspected something was going on when I first started getting sick, but they didn't want to mention anything because they knew that I was already having a rough time with loosing Louis. They were all so excited and supportive and they said they would help me raise the future heir to the throne. The boys on the other hand didn't find out until I started showing. They were also super excited and supportive about the whole situation.

  I knew that raising this child without Louis and in a kingdom, would be incredibly hard. I also knew that I would be able to make it through all of it. No matter how hard the trials are that life throws at me, nothing will ever be able to top loosing your own mate. 


Hey lovelies!! 

Unfortunately this is the ending to this book! I know y'all are probably a bit surprised by the ending, but she has been about a month pregnant and because of everything that happened she didn't realize the symptoms she was having.

I hope y'all have enjoyed it and thank you to all of my amazing supporters during it!!

Now before y'all get to upset, I have started on a new fanfic a while ago but had to stop because i could not figure out which boy to do it about......so that is where you lovelies come in!

Please vote on which boy you would like to be in the new book!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to check out my other fanfics!!

Follow me on instagram! obviously_nialls_princess

I love y'all with all of my heart!!!






Peace out for the last time babes😘✌🏼 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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