Chapter 15

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Louis pov

I knew what I was doing the moment I led her into the garden.

I knew she was probably going to hate me for the rest of eternity and my wolf was kicking me for it, but it was for her own good. I couldn't risk losing her and even the thought alone kills me inside.

I laid my hand on the door handle as the other turned the lock and took the key out. I had called Anthony and Timothy to stay with her just in case.

They knew ahead of time that they would be locked inside. They knew they would have to control her once she found out because I knew it wouldn't take her long to figure it out.

She wasn't going to take it very well knowing that she was locked inside of the beautiful garden.

Previously, when I had found her trying to go outside, I had gotten a mind link from one of my spies saying that they were headed our way. I immediately took action, but didn't lead her on to what I was doing.

I took a deep breath and backed away from the door before heading down the hallway. I mind linked everyone to meet me in the foyer to be prepared for battle.

When I arrived, everyone was standing around in their gear with weapons ready and stern looks on their faces. I took a deep breath and put a calm, stern facade on as I marched up a few steps so that I was above everyone. All eyes snapped to my movement and

I closed my eyes briefly. This is the biggest battle that I will have ever lead any of my pack or kingdom into. It was a very nerve racking thing to do.

I took another deep, calming breath in before slowly letting it out and beginning my speech.

"I know you all have heard about the plan of attack from the rogues. I know you all have heard about their threat to our kingdom. I am here to tell you that they are on their way here right now." There were a few gasps and some prepared faces. "I am confident that we are well prepared for this attack. I am confident that we can defeat them. We need to let them know that they cannot just come to our kingdom and tear us down. They need to know that they cannot just threaten our queen and get away with it. They need to learn their lesson and we are going to teach them. Now, I don't know about all of you, but are you with me?!"

Cheers erupted the room along with a few battle cries.

A smirk pulled at my lips as I held my arms in the air. "Let's win this!"

The cheers grew louder, but even with the deafening sound, the pain filled howl of my mate filled my ears.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while!

What did y'all think of Louis' pov??

Anywho hope y'all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!!!!! I know I had one:)

So...I killed my first deer yesterday! 😄 he was a 4 point and I was very happy🙈

How have y'all been?

What are y'all thankful for?
I am thankful for friends and family. for my animals and my job. For the food and a nice warm house. I am thankful for all of you incredibly amazing people. And last but certainly not least I am thankful for the five idiots that saved me.

Love y'all forever and always!!






Peace out babes😘✌️

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