Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

::Louis' POV::

I nervously chew my lip while I watch Andy talking to Felix. Yeah, I know him… I don’t even know why I lied to Andy. I guess Felix just represents something I would rather forget.

Oh no… why, Felix? Andy and Felix stop right in front of the table.

“Lou, can I talk to you… in private?” I bite a little too hard on my lip and taste blood, but I don’t stop chewing. I look from one to the other, not quite sure what to do.

 “Uh sure?” I more ask than anything, and stand up. I try to avoid looking at Andy as I walk around the table to lead Felix away. Right before I start walking, I turn towards Andy and smile a smile I hope says, ‘I'm sorry for lying & please don’t worry’.

I open a door to an empty room and let Felix in ahead of me before shutting it behind us. I turn on a light and motion for him to take a seat. When he doesn’t, I cross my arms and lean up against the doors.

“So. What're you doing here?” I ask, trying not to glare at my old friend. He pushes his hair behind his ears and grins at me.

“I wanted to see my old friend!” his eyes shine with tears as he walks towards me, arms spread for a hug.

I awkwardly hug him, confused. Felix and I were never really close, so him showing up here and acting like this is a surprise. I met him my first year at public school in the UK, and he always followed me around. He made it bearable, even though he could be annoying.

“Well, hey…” I say and let him go. “So… hey,” I have no clue what to say to him. When we graduated he came out to me, saying that he had had a crush on me since the day we met. He kissed me and we ditched the graduation congratulations party the school was throwing to go somewhere more private to talk.

We had been walking out ten minutes when he suggested we take the short cut to his house. It was already dark out, so I agreed. The short cut was through the woods, which I weren’t afraid of at the time.

After walking down a nice, paved path, the flashlight on his phone went out. His phone had died. I'd let out a squeal of surprise – and slight fear – and he laughed at me. I huffed and tried to walk ahead, but since I couldn’t see the path I immediately got lost. I was walking fine on slightly bumpy ground, using the trees as guidance. Soon I realized that the ground was bumpy because it wasn’t paved – I still get embarrassed that I hadn’t noticed sooner.

I started to yell for Felix, but if he heard me he never let on. I just sat down where I was, deciding to wait for light. I remember thinking, ‘Maybe the moon will come out, or Felix will trip over me – serves him right!’ I hadn’t been afraid.

That is… until the sounds started. There were creaks and groans, twigs would be snapped occasionally. You're lost. You hear that? That was a crack. A big crack. I let my imagination run with me. Except, it wasn’t all my imagination. There were people in the woods, trying to scare me. Well, they did. Big time.

There were four or five of them, about my age. All dressed in black. They chased me, whispered my name, did everything in their power to traumatize me.

They're coming for you. Run Lou, run!

That’s why I was so scared in the woods back with my band. I never found out who they were, no one ever knew except Felix. He never told anyone, because I asked him not to. He's the one I tie to the situation, though, because if not for him I wouldn’t have been in the woods in the first place.

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