Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

And uhm… I suck at scenes like this... so… yeah… it'll be short and probably sucky ;P LUS I think there’ll be two!! You can thank Music_Love135 for that ;)

His lips are so soft and tender… just as I've always imagined them. And yes, I do mean always, even when we were younger. Even when he changed. Even when I was calling them all those horrid things…

He stays stock still before responding. I would’ve thought he would push away or something, but not kiss back. His body drops onto mine, and I moan into the kiss from the sudden pressure. His hands roam my body, and I keep mine firmly tangled in his soft hair. I'm awoken out of my daze when I get a shock from his cold hands reaching up under my shirt.

I pull my head back and rip my hands away, miraculously not ruling his hair in the process. Andy's eyes widen in slight confusion, but then he smiles and leans down towards me for another kiss.

I panic.

I mean, sure I kissed him in the first place. So what?  I just realized that mu crush of the past long time is my childhood friend, whom I treated like dirt. Not to mention the fact that he's been quote unquote ‘with me’ for the past week or so, knowing this the entire time. Yet, he stayed..?

This explains his coldness to me in the beginning. But as for how he warmed up so suddenly, the touchy-feelyness, this

Back to panicking. As soon as I get my muscles moving, I push Andy off of me – rather hard, as he flips onto his back, and he is a strong man – and I bolt from the room. And from the house. I run past the lake, but not so far that I feel threatened by the creepy forest.

Ohmygod. I just kissed Drew. I kissed Andy. Why do I feel like I kissed two different people? It’s like… I kissed the Andy I've come to know and admire the past few days, yet at the same time, I kissed my childhood best friend. Which I did; it just feels like its two different people.

I'm pacing by the lake, mind going into over drive when someone calmly lays their hand on my arm. I hold my breath and freeze, afraid of whom it is. When I gather up enough courage I turn to see Liam smiling at me cautiously.

“Hey, Lou, you okay?” he asks, taking his hand back.

“Y-Yeah, I'm fine,” I say, going for a smile when a thought occurs. “Hey, can we talk somewhere?”

“Sure?” he more asks than answers, and I take him by the hand and drag him to my room, making sure to avoid Andy on the way. We get there and I shut and lock my door before lying down on my bed. I pat an area next to me and Liam hesitantly takes a seat.

“Liam?” I ask after a bit of silence.

“Yeah, Lou?”

“Did you know about… Drew?” I ask, biting my lip.

He pauses before he answers. “You told us about him, remember?” small smile.

I shake my head. “No, I'm talking about… Andy Drew,” realization crosses his face before it smooths out into a calm mask.

“I see… what happened when you found out?” now it’s my turn to pause.

“I may have… kind of… maybe… kissed him?” the breath leaves him and he refuses to look at me. “Liam?”

He doesn’t say anything. He just sits there next to me, staring out the window. I sit up, trying to get him to look at me.

"Liam, I-" I'm cut off by him. Not by his words, though, by his lips.

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