Chapter 9

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Nikkis pov

Its now my third day in the hospital. I would've gone home sooner but I needed tests done and my doctors had to monitor what and how much I ate because of how much blood I lost when I was shot. Dr. Simmons said it was miracle I made it. That the bullet had lodged itself deep in my arm and if it wasn't for their quick thinking, I mayve needed it amputated. Some of my arm had been infected by bacteria from the bullet and it was starting to spread but Dr. Simmons luckily saw and treated it efficiently. I thank him for that any time I get the chance.

Other then that its been pretty chill. Im woken up at 6 for my medicine and antibiotics shot. Then my bloods checked, to make sure my bodies excepting the donated blood. Then im left be as I wake up and watch Footloose on hospitals tiny box tv. I wait for Chase to get here but I know it wont be till 8 because that's when visiting hours start. My nurse says he usually arrives at 7:30 on the dot and hangs out in the waiting room till 8 so he can get in as soon as he can. It makes me blush to be treated so nicely by him. Some memories are coming back but most are still foggy. Its a process but thankfully im making good progress. Chase brings me things I liked so that I can feel them and hope that a memory connected with it shows up. It worked for the most part but sadly I still don't feel like I know who I am or who a lot of people close to me are. I thought Bree and Adam were my siblings but until yesterday afternoon I learned they weren't. I know Chase said something about it earlier but like I said things are foggy.

As for memories with Chase, those are like the rest. I do recognize one memory of ours though. I remember my hair being blue, I don't remember why, maybe a hair fad or something I liked, but I remember Chase buying me everything I liked like candy to get me to forgive him. I don't know what there is to forgive. Maybe he died it too dark or something and I got mad! Maybe I just remembered something! I feel like that could be it. Im gonna go with it.

Soon I hear a knocking at my door. "Come in!" I yell.

Then I see Chase walk in all smiley and looking a bit tired but im sure I look worse. "Hey Nikki." He says ever so softly I could melt at the sound of his voice saying my name. I smile with a tint of blush flushing to my cheeks. I was still taken back by the angelicness of his voice to get the courage to respond so I waved. He still felt oblivious to me even though my heart raced at the sound or sight of him. My brain felt he was new but my heart felt he was something significant.

After I waved he flashed a smile that made me melt and he walked closer. With every step his feet achieved I felt my heart beat beating faster and faster. I knew I had gained a crush on him. And it wouldn't be so embarresing if my heart monitor didn't show my increasing heart beat with every steo he took. It made me feel embaressed. "Nikki, are you okay? Whys your heart increasing so much?" he asked with a look of concern. But all I could do was hide my face under this thin blanket I hated so much. Chase lifted the blanket up and stuck his head in, his face so close to my I could've passed out. "Hey whats wrong?" he asked with a concerned face. I took a deep breathe and replied.

"Nothing my breakfast this morning made me feel a bit queasy. I...just....felt sick for a second so I hid." I say lying because I felt to scared to show how I really feel.

"Oh are you alright? Where do you feel sick?" He asked caringly. I searched my brain for a lie to tell.

"Yeah im fine. It just makes my stomach feel a bit nausceous is all." I smiled and played it off. Chase comes close to my face and cups one of my cheeks in his hand. Turning my gaze into his big hazel eyes that I could fall so deeply in. His face starts to get closer and closer and I loose all feeling in my body. I close my eyes as he gets so close I feel his lips plant a soft kiss on my forhead before pressing his cheek against mine then pulling back. I was dumbfounded from the moment. The place on my forhead where he kissed went numb with happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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