Chapter 4

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"You will?" Chases voice lights up and I can feel his happiness.

"Yes." I giggle with excitement.

"This would be a little better if I had a ring or a body." He jokes

"I don't mind."

"Ok but I'm getting one as soon as we're back in our bodies."

"Yeah-" I start but stop. "Chase we decided this at the wrong time. There's no way we can actually go through with this while were wanted Who knows what we're going to go through."

"I don't care. I want to know that it will at least happen. When this all blows over, I will spend everything to make this perfect." My heart fluttered at the promise.

"And I'll be ready. But this has to be a secret. At least until this is over and we can go back to normal."

"Yeah, I guess." Chase says sounding saddened. I'd do anything for everything to be over with now. I'll be seventeen in a few weeks. Maybe we can do something after my birthday so we don't have to be known as the kids who got married at sixteen.

But frankly, I don't care.

I love Chase and I'm proud to know that I will be his wife. It doesn't matter how long I've known him to know how my heart skips a beat to hear his breathes when were asleep or how he takes my breathe away when he laughs. I think people wait to prove to everyone else that they'll last. I'm done proving anything to anyone. I'm a bionic freak. But so is he and his siblings. I'm not normal. No body really is when you think about it. Were all different. Maybe were all a bit physiologically bionic. From muscles to speed to the brain. Some are just better at certain abilities then others. But in the end, were all people, no matter what.

Bree's POV

"Spike and Lola are what!" Davenport shouts. His eyes bulging outve his skull indicating he's starting to freak

"They sorta are wanted for robberies. But good news is we can find out where they are from where they've last stole from." I try with a smile. But Davenport still has steam coming outve his ears.

"Bree, their considered criminals! How are we gonna sort that out? We can't get Chase and Nikki back in their bodies unless they want to go to jail! And they can't stay in the computer forever. One power outage and they are wiped." I shivered at the thought.

"You can't let them stay in there forever! Let's use your tracking device remote that you've got for all of us. And don't act like you don't check on us occasionally." I say crossing my arms and leaning on my hip. Davenport looking a bit bought but soon grabs back his stature.

"I had that idea the whole time. But the thing is, I can't find it. I've looked everywhere."

"Well, we will have to keep looking. I'll use my bionic speed to start checking while you get everyone else. Adam can help lift furniture and Leo can crawl in the small spaces. Plus Tasha probably knows where, if she's seen it, from cleaning."

"Good point." Davenport nods before taking off to find the others. This is going to be easy. Who can't find something with a bionic crew?

*30 minutes later*

"I give up!" I say as I plop on the couch with a sigh. Folding my hands order my denim jeans and putting my feet on the coffee table.

"You can't give up, Bree." Adam says before lifting the couch I'm on. My feet being off the coffee table and on air.

"I can't find it anywhere. We should just go to where the website says they are and give their whereabouts our best guess."

"It's not that easy,Bree." Davenport says coming from upstairs. "They could run at any moment to somewhere else. We need to know where they are at each moment."

"Hey, guys-" Tasha begins "why don't we ask Chase and Nikki to help? Maybe they can spot it through Eddys cameras."

"Who said my name?" Eddy snarled as his screen lit up. We all groaned. "What's wrong? Didn't you guys miss me?"

"Yes,Eddy-" Davenport rolls his eyes. "But this is not the time to pop up. We have to find something. Is there any way you can put Nikki and Chase on the screen?"

"What! You rather them then me?"

"Yes" we all say in union

"Well, don't I feel loved. I guess I could try. Anything to keep them from bothering my beauty sleep. For the past nights all I've heard was 'I love you's' and 'I wish I could hold you', bleh!" Then he shut off. A few moments later the screen lit up with no picture. Just a white screen.

"Yes?" Chase asks

"Chase, can you two help us to find the remote that tracks your chips?"

"Sure, Davenport." Nikki chimes. We're waiting for Chase to respond.

"I may or may not have seen it." Chase says sounding on edge.

"You know where it is? Where?" I ask a bit excited.

"It's sitting on top the light above the stove." Adam sets me down with a thump. Causing me to squeal and nearly fly off before he goes to the stove. He looks up and fumbles around before pulling it out

"Great! We've got it!" Davenport cheers with a smile "Chase, how did you know?"

"Yeah, Chase, I didn't even know it existed." Nikki says

"Ugh, I don't want to answer." He shys away.

"Chase Davenport" Tasha growls in mom mode.

"Fine, I had it because a few weeks ago Nikki went eat out with Bree and Lauren. On the remote it shows you what the chip sees through the eyes. I just wanted to make sure no guy pulled anything on Nikki." We waited for Nikki to respond to it.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. But when I'm outve here, and able to hit you, I'll remember."

"Now, that we have this, we can go find Spike and Lola! Nikki,Chase,wait here." He says as he grabs his keys.

"It's not like we have much of a choice." Nikki points out.

"Right... Let's go!" With that we all run out and pack into Davenports car.

Nikki's POV

"You wanted to spy on me?" I say

"No, I just didn't want guys near you so I wanted to see if there were."

"That's spying, Chase."

"I can't help it. I just wanted to check on my fiancée. Who's beautiful, sweet and forgiving." Chase tries to steer me away from the fact he spied on me. But I couldn't help the way I melted at him saying fiancée. "Is it working?"

"Just a bit. But I'm still gonna punch you when we get out."

"You said hit."

"When you were describing me you forgot, revengeful."


Hey everyone! Here it is. The next chapter will be good I promise!

Btw, I was wondering if anyone of you guys have ever made edits for my book? Like with my quotes. If you have then I'd love to see it. Comment if you have and I'll defiantly look at it.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Love ya!

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