Lab Rats Trial

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Bree POV

The past two days have been dreadful for really all of us, Tasha was broken to hear what had happened along with the rest of us. We all had our moments of weakness. Not sure how to spend our morning,day,and night without the bionic brainyack couple. Without them, things seemed quieter. Chase,Adam,and I grew up a trio. We were each others best friend and most trusted companion. Nikki joining made everything seem complete. And having them taken out. It feels like two missing puzzle pieces to a puzzle that needs a completed seven pieces to show the picture. It hurts.

I think one of the most avoided subjects were what do we do? Arrange a funeral? I don't know how when there bodies are still up and running but there being isn't.

I take my sleeve and wipe under my eyes as I think of this topic.

Everyone was a affected in the same way. We all don't wanna talk about it, but because of it. Were barely speaking at all. The house is quiet with grief and lost. Things use to happen everyday that made things worth smiling for. But then again, that's when Chase and Nikki were here.

I remember the time I helped saved Nikki from Kyle. She was so bashed and bruised, I had no clue how she would even move. But I thought the same when Chase came in the house with Nikki not being able to move really at all. But I think when I helped with the Kyle situation was one of my favorite memories. It's when Nikki and I became close when she depended on me for help. She had a bit of a limp and so I had to help her. I smiled thinking of when I called her a sister and she smiled to hear it. That's when I new I had a true friend.

I knew I had a friend the moment I first met Nikki. We were at lunch and it was my third day. The other two days Adam,Chase,and I sat outside to eat. So I figured that day wouldn't be any different. But it wasn't.

After I had gotten my lunch, I looked around the room to see if there was any place we could sit. But of course there wasn't. So I headed for the back doors while Chase and Adam still got there food. But before I could open them I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a pretty blonde girl with diamond blue eyes and dimples in her smile. The way she had her makeup that day made her resemble a doll.

"Um hi." I muttered offering a smile.

"Hi, I'm Nikki. I saw you looking a bit lost, you can come sit at my table if you want." Nikki offers sweetly.

"No, I wouldn't wanna intrude."

"You wouldn't! I swear, plus I've seen you around and I wanted to meet you. So c'mon?" She pleaded with puppy eyes but a playful smile.

"Um, I'm sorta waiting for my brothers." I say pointing to the tall and short one in the lunch line. Chase scolding Adam for grabbing so much of the cake.

"There welcome to sit too. I'm gonna head back before one of the girls steals my food. But I hope to see you come." Nikki said with her smile giving a friendly feeling. She was friendly. It was different.

Chase and Adam ended up telling me I should go. They sat outside while I sat with Nikki and the other girls. The funny thing is, if Chase and Nikki would've met that day, I would've probably been outside with Adam instead Chase.

Knowing how Nikki and Chase were...abliviated makes me frustrated. I could've saved them! But Spike and Lola stopped us! It's unfair that I can't replay that day and get them back! They were too young and didn't deserve to die!

I feel tears stream as I think these thoughts.

Chases older self revealed things. They were suppose to get married and have children! And I was suppose to be there favorite aunt! Things happen for wrong reasons. What are we suppose to do now without Chase and Nikki? We were a complete team with different abilities and Nikki as the complete back up. We were impossible to beat,so why did it have to end?

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