Chapter 2

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Lola's POV

I lay low as I put on a pair of black ray bans over my eyes.

"I don't understand why were undercover. Not like the police are after us." I scowl as I check my reflection in the mirror.

"They sorta are."

I turn to look at Spike who's sliding on a jersey

"No, there after you. I didn't rob the store."

"No, but you were the getaway."

"Still didn't steal anything." I disagree as I sit down on my bed.

For the past few days of freedom we've been on a bit of a joy ride. Spike stole stuff while I waited outside. I wasn't in the mood to get put in jail. And if they got close to Spike, I'll back them up a good country over. But ever since we destroyed our other personalities, I've felt kind of guilty. And it sucks. It feels riveting to be in control at all times. But sometimes I need a break. Spike and I have fought a bit since we escaped. Although I love him with all my heart, it's been bugging me that now were free and able to be together, his idea is to have our face up on national news.

Spike stalks over and sits next to me on the bed as he wraps a arm around me.

"Lola, babe, why are you so stubborn lately?" I scowl at him.

"I've been getting that darn face since we left!"

"Well, maybe you wouldn't if you weren't trying to put us in a place where police are after us. If we get caught. Were not gonna be put in the same cell, Spike." I sigh. Spike tightens his hold on me and hugs my stiff form.

"I'm not gonna let them get us babe. Plus there really after me. If anyone tried to take you then they will have to go through me. Plus, isn't this what you wanted? To have things done your way? We originally planned to take over the house but now we have everything and your yelling at me like you don't want this!"

"I do want this! I want to be in control! Were the ones with the bionics! This should be a snap! But I don't want to take a chance of getting separated. Were already probably getting searched for by the Davenports. Along with the police. When were caught were done for. And I do not look good in orange." I shiver at the thought. My blue eyes and those tacky suits? Clashing terribly.

"Were not gonna get caught! Stop being so negative. I'm not doing this just for me you know. This is for us." Spike says holding my hands.

"Well maybe I want us to get past this. Killing off our personalities in those computers was a mistake! Not only will the Davenports want revenge but we could be living normally right now."

"Yeah we could but we would also have to take turns with incompetent people who always get the sense of being them more then we can be."

"This is not going to end well-" I put both my small hands on his chest. Almost pleading "- maybe Davenport can forgive us." Spike looked enraged and stood up from his seated position. Making my hands fall to the side.

"Who are you? This is not the Lola I know! My Lola would jump at the opportunity to be in control of everything. This one, is weak. Your asking for forgiveness? As if they would ever forgive us. We destroyed our second lives, Lola! That's not ok! It's too late for sorrys. It's too late for forgiveness. It's too late to turn back and become the back up lives. This is our life now! And were gonna finish what we started. Even if we get caught. Because I've waited way too long for this! Now, be the Lola I know and love and man up! Because this isn't who I stuck my neck out for every time you were in need! I free you and this is how you repay me? Man up Lola because this isn't over and it never will be." Spike snaps at me and storms out of the room.

I sit there and pull my knees to my chest. He's right, I'm becoming....soft? Me? Soft? What happened? And what's with Spike? He's never gone off at me before. Doesn't he realize I'm saying what I'm saying so we don't jeopardize our love? I can feel my eyelids still far back. I can't believe he yelled at me. I have just as bad temperature as Spike,and sure we yell but he never scolded me before. Spike always treated me like a princess. But suddenly I'm the witch for wanting the right thing. I really want to go on a raging path of destruction right now. Tear down every building in my path, push every citizen out my way, make everything feel the confusing pain I'm feeling. I shouldn't be thinking of this so much but I am! It's killing me.

Like I did Nikki and Chase

I groan and hide my face in my hands. This should not bother me. I can't stop it from bothering me. I wish Spike could drop his attitude towards me and start realizing he's putting us both on the line. The last thing I need is someone throwing a stabilizer at me from behind. That will ware me out completely since my bionics make up most of my body. Maybe it could even do bad damage.

Spike POV

I huffed as I held roughly walked down the street. Making sure to stay low for any unsuspecting authorities. There everywhere. I never really noticed that before but they are. And if you do one thing out of line, suddenly you can feel them as everywhere as you can see them. If they caught me right now it would give them a direct map to where Lola is. I scowl at the thought. Not so much Lola getting found, well it's that too, but Lola in General.

She's nagging more then usual. She seems like she's not on my side. What happened? Who through stuff through the tv, a couch on the stairs, and a tantrum when I supposedly said I could run things on my own? I mean, I can but I don't want to. My point is Lola made her point she wanted to be in charge. She always made that point. For a girl, she's head strong. It's one thing my iron hard weakens for. When she's happily in control. She can hold her end of the bargain nicely when it comes to being feared. I wouldn't usually suspect that from a doll like herself. Or a girl for that matter. But Lola is different. Her attitude could slice anyone in two with just a sharp remark. I remember how the Davenports were scared of us. Knowing how easily we could over power them. But it was easier at Davenports. Darn there knowledge of our bionics. To the police or anyone out here, we're just very skillful criminals. Well, I am. Lola hasn't really been in much of a superior mood. That's what got me worried. Lola, not in the mood to rule? Impossible. Then she talks about forgiveness? My throat dries at the word while my tongue burn to feel it. Forgiveness isn't for people like me and Lola. She doesn't realize that. Maybe I admit to wrapping her up into something I shouldn't have but now all I have is to protect her. If I didn't I couldn't live with myself. I know she's thinking of us. But not the right thinking. We killed someone. Killed. That's unforgivable. They probably hate us. I'm not sure if there looking for us or blocking that we ever existed. It wasn't technically murder. We didn't kill anyone. Just kind of. Shut them down. Permanently. I mean we are capable of doing that. Bree and Adam knew it and they still tried saving them. Lola and I are the best things out there. Me, the handsome super powered boy with a bad temper. People always seemed to get in my way and not listen to me. From Adam hitting me with boxing gloves when I clearly laid down the no punch me rule. To Nikki not letting me fight the guy when he grossly hit on my, half girl now. I can handle things and no one realizes. Yeah I'm cocky. But with my looks and power who wouldn't be? Lola is sassy. And she has every right to be. She has that innocent look with a hard punch. That's what I needed in a babe. A unsuspecting enemy to everyone except me. Well ok me. Me and Lola are our own worst enemies. Yet were each others best friends. I love her one minute and wanna bark at her the next. She always taunts me knowing how ill react. I knew she was are of how I would react to her debating back at the hotel. So why did she do it? It hurts remembering her face. For once, Lola looked scared. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't the one who caused it. I hated myself for doing that to her but what choice do I have.

I don't know how to ever really please Lola. And I'm scared I'll never get the chance to learn after all the Messed up stuff I've caused. I mean what does a girl want? Not just any girl but Lola?

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