Chapter 1

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Davenport POV

I felt an overwhelming spark of happiness. All sadness and depression I was in for their departure is long gone. All I wanted to do was hug them. But they weren't human. At least there form. I gotta find those bodies.

My thoughts race all while Nikki and Chase carry on a normal conversation between them. Mostly Nikki saying what great people we are to 'forget' about them and leave them off. Apparently it drains there energy to not feed off electricity and what not. But what they don't know is that we had no clue they were in there. Or that they were even... You know? That's in the past. Not worth thinking about. I'm focusing on the future.

Now all I gotta do is go upstairs and tell the family that they are alive and well. I know they'll all be stunned, shocked, and overjoyed to hear of there well being. So I have to do it now!

"Nikki,Chase-" I smiled at my ability to get there attention once again. "I'm gonna run upstairs. Be right back."

"Ok" they both respond before I pound my finger into the button to make it go up. As the elevator ascends to the living room I could stay still. I sighed with a huge relief for them being ok. The sadness I've felt is nothing I've felt before. The sadness the family has felt was terrible. We all loved them. We were a family of entertaining moments and love. But when Nikki and Chase were gone, the house was quiet. The worst feeling was when I had to comfort Tasha. To see her cry really hurt me. Bree didn't cry in front of anyone but I know she has. Adams ditzy personality went blank. He went from eating a wax apple for thinking it's real to sitting on the couch with a blank face. It killed me to see us all change. Even Leo was less static then usual. This really took a roll on all of us. Thank god it's over.

"Guys!" I cheer at the quiet family in the kitchen and living room.

"What is it?" Bree asked gloomily

"It's Chase and Nikki!" I suddenly had everyone's attention. "There alive" I said with a wide relieved smile.

The whole families face went from gloomy to shocked.

"David, this isn't funny." Tasha says

"I'm not kidding! There alive, my computers went to emergency mode and stalked all data in a flash drive. Including Nikki and Chase! I found it this morning and plugged it in and there they were!" I cheer

Adam thought for a moment. "I put that flash drive in. I was looking for something and forgot to take it out."

"Well, thanks to you Nikki and Chade are alive!"

"Ahhh! I gotta talk to them!" Bree squeals with a smile on her face I missed. Along with everyone else's.

"Me too!" The rest said in union as they went for the elevator. They went in and down.

I stayed behind since Adam is still thinking. He hasn't gotten his spark back, so I was worried.

"What's wrong Adam?" I ask sitting next to him on the couch.

"I-I'm still adjusting to this." He runs his fingers through his hair. "This was so devastating. And now there back? Because of a flash drive I put in?"

I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder. "Yes, your the reason we got them back. I'm proud of you Adam. I'll admit, you have your moments but for this, everyone is grateful. Nikki and Chase don't know how lucky they are to have you."

"But I didn't mean too."

"It doesn't matter wether you did or you didn't. Because of you, there alive. Thank you." I say and his mouth lightens into a smile.

"Can I go see them now?"

"Sure." I say patting his back before we headed to the elevator.

Bree POV

Is this really happening? It can't be. I mean, I'm praying that it is true but it's hard. I mean, I felt so numb the past few days about this that it feels too good to be true. I'm honestly trying hard not to get my hopes up but with this, it's hard not too.

The doors of the elevator open and I spring out. I run to the computer that Lola and Spike didn't touch.

It looked normal, blank screen, barely reflections, my heart sank. Maybe it is too good to be true. Maybe I'm getting my hopes up.

"What are you staring at?" Nikki's voice asks

There alive!

"Chase?" I say with my jaw hanging open


I squealed with delight. There alive! There here and there well. Nothing happened to them. A giant feeling of relief rushed over me as I jump up and down with excitement.

"Did we miss something?" Chase asks

"Not much." I lie.

I cross my arms as I stare at the glorious piece of technology that's holding the lives of two very important people. I feel Leo and Tasha walk up behind me. I turn to see Tasha's eyes watering. But she has a smile so it must be happy tears.

"Tasha, what's wrong?" Nikki asks sounding concerned

"Oh nothing, dear. Just a bit emotional." Tasha passes off as she dabs her eyes with her yellow sweater.

Leo had his wide smile back which made me even happier. Were all getting back to normal! Were the one big crazy bionic family again! I don't ever want to jeopardize this ever again. From now on, I'm training nonstop. So I can help protect and teach Nikki incase I'm not around. Which I won't let happen. This has all been too much for me. But I accept every bit of it. Who knew a perky blonde with intentions to study with my brother would change so much? You never realize things until it changes. And I never want things to change again.

"Nikki, Chase, do you two feel alright?" Tasha asks

"Bit sleepy but nothing unusual." Nikki answers.

"Same." Chase agrees.

I wonder how they would act if they knew that we thought they were dead. They'd probably freak. I know I would.

Davenport shows up with Adam and were all huddled in front the lap top.

"It's good to have you guys back." Davenport says calmly.

"Um. Thanks?" Chase says. Oblivious to what's happened.

"Is there any chance I could have my body back? I don't trust Lola with it." Nikki mentions and I see something all clicks in us. "I'm nervous she's pierced something or dyed my hair by now."

"The bodies! I've totally forgot!" Davenport cheers.

"Forget? How? It's only been a day." Chase says.

We all lift an eyebrow.

"A day?" I repeat.

"Yeah, they attacked us yesterday and were back now. Why? Did I miss something?"

"No." Leo butts in.

He's only missed that's it's been almost a week we thought they were gone. But that's brought us to our next motive, getting Nikki and Chase back in their bodies, permanently.


I apologize greatly for taking literally forever to update!! It's been weeks of gathering ideas for this sequel and laying things out properly.

I really am sorry and I will try not to take a long time again! Summers coming up so that should be a problem.

But anyway, I hope your enjoying this! Comment and vote please! I love to hear feedback!

Thanks love ya!

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