Chapter 6

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Bree's POV

"Ow!" Nikki cries out in pain before falling to her knees. As Chase regains himself he rushes to Nikki's side.

"Davenport, what's wrong with her?" Chase freaks as he holds Nikki. Nikki's hand covers her arm as she tries not to cry.

"She was shot. I'll explain later." I answer as Chases eyes widens.

"Shot! What do you mean, shot?"

"You know, with a bullet. Usually in movies or...TV" Adam stupidly explains.

"We know what it means!" Nikki shouts. Her voice straining. Chase kneels and picks her up in his arms while Nikki had her face hidden in the crook of his neck.

"We have got to get her to a hospital."

"One step ahead of you, c'mon!" Davenport says as we all run to the garage before piling in and leaving for the hospital.

Chases POV

Trying to hold Nikki and not touch her right arm was hard but manageable. She was curled up into my side as I rubbed her back and hushed her groans of misery. I could tell she was in major pain but it wasn't surprising. Although davenport was rushing to the hospital it felt like we couldn't get there fast enough. Every bump on the road causes Nikki to cry out. I feel like I've been shot listening to her. I can only hope it hasn't done any damage to her arm. She was dressed in a ripped shirt and jeans.

"Nikki, can I see your arm?" I ask calmly. Her response was a shake of the head as she held on to it tighter. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to make sure nothing bad happened." Her response didn't change. It confused me because Nikki's never denied my help. She and I both know I can tell if something wrong happened from natural knowledge. But she refuses to let me by it. It hurt a little but I could tell she was in worse pain.

"We're almost there, Nikki." Davenport turns and insures before focusing back on the road.

"Try squeezing my hand. Maybe it can help with the pain." I try but as soon as she grips, it felt like I was being stricken. I forgot Nikki's super strength. "Ok,ok, ease up on the strength, baby." I plead as she notices and does so. Ending up with my fingers feeling numb. I shook it off and held on to Nikki again. She looked like she was going to hurl but I knew it was a symptom of shock from the situation. I kept a straight face as the car sped to the hospital. I didn't want Nikki thinking I'm scared too even though I was. I mean how am I suppose to feel? I'm overwhelmed that we have our bodies back but at the same time I wish we weren't in them so that Nikki could forget about the pain and I could forget my own on account that she's shot. Thankfully it's in her arm and not anywhere important but just the sight of her in my lap in pain was enough to make me sick. She curled up with her blonde hair put to the side. Her face resembled her agony but also a bit of concentration. On what? I'm not sure. All I cared was she was in hysterics or else I might just join her.

I looked out the window to notice we've made it. Thank god! But as soon as we parked in front of the entrance, the doors were flung open I went on full speed with Nikki in my arms for inside. We looked like we just escaped a war the way our clothes looked. But as far as I'm concerned all I need is a doctor. Nurses started to rush over as they saw me rush in

"What happened?" "Is she okay?" "What's wrong with her?" "Was she in a accident?" "Why does she look so beat up?" "Have you called before coming in?" "How much blood has she lost?" "Where are her wounds?" "What caused them?"

And etc. I looked down and saw the frustration on Nikki's face from all there question. So I took my place and shouted.

"We can fill you in later, she's been shot in the arm and we need help!" One nurse with fire red hair and light freckles rushed over with a doctor.

"Hello, this is Dr. Simmons. He can help." The nurse says to davenport. Davenport looks down at me as the Dr.Simmons speaks.

"Yes, I can help her. Now just hand her over." He says opening his arms. I looked around at everyone staring at me. Why does it feel hard to hand Nikki over?

"C'mon Chase just let Dr.Simmons take care of her." Davenport tells me. I look down at Nikki as she looks back up at me. She smiles at me. Her eyes showed pain but her face showed acceptance of the situation.

"Hand me over to the doctor, Chase. Don't worry about me, I'll be out in a little while." Nikki promises. How she's able to keep calm for me when she's taken a bullet still amazes me but her words gave me the ability to finally let her go and hand her over. She watched me the entire time. As she was settled in his arms she gave me a dimpled smile before being placed on a gurney and wheeled away. Taking herself and my heart with her.

"we need staff on this patient stat!" The doctor cries out as the nurses and everyone follows. I still stood there looking at the now empty hallway. I felt better knowing she was getting help but I had anxiety knowing I wasn't by her side.

"C'mon Chase. Nikki's strong. She'll be alright and out of there quicker then you think." Adam assures me as Bree comes to my side and nods in agreement with a soft smile.

"Okay." I breathe before letting them take me with them to the waiting room.

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