I'm a coming! pt.1

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This is gonna be more than TWO parts.

Seán's pov:
Everytime I want to travel there's always an fucking issue. Airlines are down and it is chaos at the airport's. Why bother going anywhere for Christmas now?!

I threw the remote on the couch and headed upstairs to edit some video's and answer comments.

As I sat by my recording area. I suddenly felt cold. To my surprise was snow?! And snow in Ireland is scarce. (I looked it up. Snow is rare there.)

There's no fucking way I can visit now...

By the minutes I felt as if the temperature kept dropping. I wrapped myself in a fluffy blanket. I had to pause and warm my hands non-stop.

The mini snowstorm eased. But it was still freezing. I finally finished what needed to be done for today. I played around with a Sam plush that sat on my desk till someone Skped me.

I answered. It was of course Mark calling.

"Hi Jack. You look comfortable".

I glanced down at the blanket nearly dangling off my shoulders. And back at Mark.

"Well mother nature is making it cold like a bitch".

"It's not like that here, though there is a lot of wind right now, it's cold wind". Mark peeked over his shoulder.

"Poor you aren't ye mister unlucky".

"Shut up. So Jack any plan's for the holidays"? Mark rested his hand on his chin.

"It's like black Friday down at the airport's and it's all because of fucking weather issues"! I slouched.

"Calm yourself". Mark chuckled.

"I really wanted to go somewhere, cause i'm so lonely here I can't see a lot of friend's and family".

Mark's pov:
I could tell he was upset.

"Who'd You wanna see Jack"?

He looked up at me. The light brighten his eye's that they gleamed.

"Just family and close friends that aren't in Ireland".

"I see- Sorry to leave on short notice but I gotta take Chica out and Matt and Ryan are calling me i'll talk later k"?

"Alright, bye". Jack seemed disappointed.


Seán's pov:
I couldn't just give it away. I really hope he'd figure it out! About visiting...

Mark's a lucky douche. He has such close friend's with him, and a new furry addition to his little family.

Look at me. Alone. As usual.

"Dammit! Fuck this"! My hands slammed the desk sending a pang up my fists.

Instead of having a tantrum. I could figure out how to escape Ireland. I saw the snow coming down hard again.

"That won't stop me. You here that mother nature"!

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