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The music tag! Was tagged by @SleepingPanda108

m- My demons
a- Alice of human sacrifice
i- I'm so sorry
c- Copycat
h- Hello, how are you?
a- Angel of darkness
n- N.U.M.B.E.R 9

Mark's pov:

You know it may be 3090 the technology is way advanced but since I never done this before it took a bit.

His eye's opened. He looked like nothing changed. He took one step and already stumbled.

The wires held him back but I still held his hand to keep him up.



His voice sounded exactly like his.

Seán's pov:
"Walk down these steps please."

My legs wobbled a little. I almost tripped but kept my balance steady.

"Your mobility and vocals are in order."

Mark kept examining me. He looked at my body up to my face.

He stopped checking when he came up to my face. I darted my eye's back and forth and rocked on the back of my heels.

He pulled my cheek out a little.

"Just like normal. Stretches at a normal lenth. The last layer I used ripped or was too elastic."


"Your hair is the same. Your eye's are the perfect color. The same exact color. Everything looks great!"


Mark froze. The smile on his face faded.

"Why are you telling me to go down steps, what's with my balance, and why are you checking me like that?"

"... Jack I-... You don't remember do you?"


"Seán. While conducting some experiments you were exposed to highly toxic chemicals and there's a reason why. I took advantage of you. I treated you like shit. You wanted to prove you could finish my experiment and kinda...."

"Seán you died. Your an android. I couldn't let go. Not this soon."

Everything was clear. "... I died as a failure. I've wanted to show you I could do something big like you. I couldn't combine two simple compounds!"

"Failure is not what I saw. You took pride because when you were hired, you took this job with positivity and worked hard. But I ruined it for you. I basically killed my friend."

"You treated me like a child! You never let me take on the big challenges!"

"And your not wrong. I didn't know what to do when I found you. You were really the only close friend I had and I couldn't let you go. Please Seán! Please forgive me!"

"I just... I just need to think."

Mark's pov:
"You should had let go." Jack blurted out.

"Why? It wasn't your fault it was me!"

"I didn't want to become this Mark!"

"I wasn't gonna let you go ok?! I can't lose you!" Mark shook Jack.

"So I can keep doing the little stuff?!"

"No! Because I- argh! Jack!"


"Jack. I- I really like you...."

"Wait...." Jack's eyes widen.

Mark kept silent and stared down at the floor flustered while he rested his hands on Jack's shoulders.

"I wanted to keep you safe. I'm known for hazardous projects, test, experiments... that i'd never forgive myself for hurting you."

"Thats why you take risks. You take them everyday. So why can't I?"

"Its a strong word but, I love you Jack."

"Mark. I really like you too.... But right now I need to get use to this body and cope right now."

"But don't be alone Jack." I lifted Jack's face to look at me.

Jack looked as if he was gonna cry which his body was motfied to be able to.

"Come here bud." I opened my arms smiling.

He quickly took it hugging me tightly. His cries were soft. I rubbed circles in his back.


"I have a big, hazardous, project which involves something called septic serum. And I think you'll enjoy it."

"Really?" Jack looked up at me hopeful.

"Really buddy."


"This went faster with you here Jack."

"It was amazing! I've never done something so dangerous before!" Jack was all giddy. He hugged, and gave me a big sloppy kiss.

"Wanna name it?" I furrowed a brow.


"I'll make this easier. If you had a child what would you name it?"

"Sam! Septic Eye Sam!" Jack gasped.

"Sam it is."

My little Irish goofballWhere stories live. Discover now