Your not my master {new book}

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Mark's pov:
"So hes like a man but a cat? So a neko." I answered my own question.

"Hes harmless. Once he warms up to you.... Anyway, his name is Seán."

"Ok, but why are you giving him to me again?"

"Cause you know, tests and nobody else would take him."

"I'm not taking him back to my place."

"Look. If you really don't like him then send him back. But give it a chance."

"This is insane. Why in the world does a neko even exist? Theres no logic! Its a kinky anime type of fetish."

"... Take good care of him."

"I said no."

"Mark. Nobody is willing to take care of him. I don't have the space for him. Just take him for a week ok?"

"You know what? Fine Felix I will. Even though this is ridiculous."

"Aw thanks friendo." Felix patted my shoulder. He proceeded to bring out a sleeping neko with vivid green hair at the top and natural at the sides, wearing only a gray sweatshirt with plain pants, and had black cat ears and a tail.

"I have to carry him? Are you fucking serious?"

"Stop complaining and questioning and just take him." Felix dropped him in my arms.


I layed him in the backseat so he can sleep comfortably and constantly kept looking back at him as I drove. Even though that's dangerous.

"He sure does sleep a lot." I know he's part cat. But he's also part human.

He slept soundly on the couch curled up. His tail swayed and ear twitched.

Caught up with videos at last and nothing else to do I sat beside him keeping a distance from him watching him boredly.

Then he opened one eye which was bright green which startled me a bit and I scooted back.

Seán's pov:
Who the hell is he and why- oh yeah. Forgot he'd be taking me.

He looks pretty decent. Except attractive guys like him are always assholes.

"Hello...?" He seemed uneasy about me.

I only stared at him.

"Uhh can you speak orrr...?"

"I can speak idiot. Listen I'm not a kinky neko alright so don't fucking asume that."

"Jesus.... Well I didn't say that you were. Most nekos are kinky. Calm down. Gosh...."

"Whatever. Do you live alone?"

"Uh yeah."

"Good. I don't particularly like people. Some are fetish freaks then others just think we're cute and 'fangirl or fanboy' which is annoying."

{To be continued}

So whatcha guys think so far? This is actually a book I'm working on and decided to give you all an idea what its about.

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