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Idea came from video above. And NO I don't still play this game. At least in like two year's? Anyways enjoy I really loved this song and remember it now. I couldn't stop playing it over and over.

Mark's pov:
*faint violin music starts playing*
It's been going on for day's. I nevered bother to check who played such sweet melody because every time the music fills my ears it lulls me to sleep.

So I looked out my bedroom window. I saw an arm moving the violin bow. But the tree blocked the mysterious figure. It would it been easier if I knew who lived in the house next to mine.

But these people never leave their home. I could sense that they cast away in the darkness of their domain. For they despise everyone.

But for the first time I see one of them out since I moved here.

They played such a heart felt song. The figure lowered their bow. Only crickets were heard and the swaying wind.

The figure walked away into the depths of their home.

I caught a glimpse of their face. He looked so upset, yet beautiful in a way.

The next night~

Mark's pov:
I peeked out from my window sill for signs for the young violinist. After minutes of waiting a figure with a red hoodie covering him and violin in hand appeared.

I was eagered to meet him in person. I had many questions. I scurried downstairs. Thankfully not waking my mom.

I made my way near his yard. I peeked over the wooden fence. Crunching in grass drew near. I cowarded in the bush's.

He was heading into what seemed to be a forest. I trailed behind. I made sure to keep my distance so I wasn't caught.

At the end of the long forest of tree's, he stood on top of a hill with a rotting tree. He took his bow and began playing.

*Play video*

The song was outstanding. A gush of wind removed his hood. Under the moonlight, showed tears streaming down his face. He was gorgeous. I accidentally stepped on a fallen twig.

He stopped playing. He glanced around. The young figure sat on the hill he stared down at his instrument

Seán's pov:
Why is everything so... different. I loved my home. That's where we grew close as a family. Now that my parents had...

I've always wanted to do youtubing as a living. Just like Pewdiepie. But forced to violin instead. I have to admit. The sounds that escape from this little wooden instrument drives all the pain away.

Mark's pov:
The young man set his violin down and huddled his knees close to his chest. I could hear his faint cries.

I stood up and slowly walked towards him. As I drew near his cries stopped.

He turned around. His eye's widen.

"Was I er... distrubing you?"

"No you weren't. You play beautifully."

"Oh, thanks."

"Why are you out here?" I sat by his side.

The Irishman turned to me.

"Occasionally, I come out here so I can get away from the people who destroyed my life."

"Oh god... But, do you think you can play more. If that's fine with you I mean."


He rose and took his bow and began to play.

The music impacted my heart. It almost bought tears to my eye's as his expression changed to pain and hurt.

My little Irish goofballWhere stories live. Discover now