I. Birthday

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          It was a long Monday for the group of kids that lived in Paris, but not for Marinette. Her birthday wascoming up on Friday, and she could hardly wait.

          "You should really come to Marinette's birthday party on Friday. It's gonna be so fun. There will lots of music, and food. It's going to be great!" Alya yelled, wrapping her arm around her best friends neck, pushing Marinette close to her.

          "Oh yeah! T-That would be great! Well, of course you don't have to come if you don't w-want too. It's j-just you know, if you wanted too..." Mainette mumbled her last few words, embarrassed.

          "It would be great to celebrate your birthday with you guys. Wouldn't it, Adrien?" Nino replied, nudging Adrien's shoulder with a small smirk on his face.

          "Nino..." Adrien muttered under his breath. Cursing at Nino's behavior.

          Adrien smiled softly at the two girls in front of him. "It would be great to spend Marinette's birthday with you."

          "R-Really? Awesome...!" Marinette replied; she was so excited she could almost scream and faint. Adrien was going to Marinette's birthday party. She had always thought that she was an awkward geek, but now she was so happy to have her biggest crush celebrating with her on this special occasion.

          The bell had rung and the massive mobs of kids scurried into the building. Alya sighed, watching her friend fangirl over her crush.

          "Hello...? Earth to Mari?" Alya waved her hand in front of the squeeling girls face, but she showed no sign of getting out of her trance.

          "Marinette Cheng!" Alya yelled. Causing a few students around her to look at what the commotion was.

          "Who? What?" Marionette shook her head side to side, confused of what was going on around her. Alya sighed.

          "Honestly, girl. What am I going to do with you?"


Days passed and it was finally Marinette's birthday.

          It was just as Alya had said. There was music playing and there was a table of snacks and refreshments laid out on plates. There where many people from school, most where talking, dancing, or greeting Marrinette with boxes and gifts with a happy birthday escaping from their lips.

Adrien and Nino where making their way through the crowd, holding their presents tightly next to their chests. As they walked to the back, they saw Alya. Alya wasn't in her usual attire, though. Instead, she was wearing a black top with jean shorts with a floral jacket. Her shoes where black converse.

She turned her head and saw us. "Hey guys! Glad you could make it." She waved her hand and gave us a big smile.

"Hey Alya. This is a really great party. Good thing the music isn't loud!" Nino chuckled. Alya laughed along with him.

"Hey, where is Marinette? I would like to give her my gift." He showed the medium-sized box that was covered in blue polka-dots.

"Oh she's over there." Alya pointed to the smiling girl to the far right. She looked like she was talking to some friends that he didn't know of. He shrugged, thanked Alya, and started to walk towards his acquaintance. She was wearing a floral circle skirt with a white top and beige flats. Adrien blushed, he thought that Marinette had looked beautiful in her outfit.

"Marinette." Adrien called out. Marinette had noticed the boy and a big smile appeared on her pale face. Blush soon appeared on her face as she started to walk towards Adrien.

"A-Adrien! I'm so h-happy you could make it!" The girl had stammered.

"Thanks! You look great tonight." He complimented and gave her the wrapped box.

The girls face had gotten darker. "W-Wow I-I-I'm flattered...!"

They both stood there in silence, unsure of what to do.

"Would you like to dance?" Adrien asked.

Marinette blushed, and replied, "Yeah, I would."


After the party had died down, Marinette knew what time it was. It was time to patrol. Marinette transformed into her Ladybug form and soon headed out in the night.

She reached the top of the Eiffel Tower and saw Chat standing there in front of her. The soft breeze ran through their hair as he smiled at her.

"Happy birthday, my lady." He bowed reaching to give her a peck on her hand, but she quickly moved her hand away.

"Thanks, kitty." She sat down on the pole and looked at the yellow brights illuminating the city. The superhero sat next to her, giving her a small box.

"For you, Ladybug." She opened her mouth. She was surprised that he even remember it was the special occasion, and she was even more surprised that he got her a gift. Even so, she grabbed the green box as their hands brushed.

Ladybug slowly opened the box, and what was shown was a red bracelet with a small ladybug charm.

"Wow... This is amazing, Chat." She gave him a short hug and he showed her his finger. There was a black right with small cat ears on the top.

"They're matching... Kind of." The boy chuckled.

"Thank you, Chat. You're gave me one of the best presents I have gotten this whole night." She smiled and gave her partner another hug.

"Anything for you, Ladybug."


The next morning at school, Marinette showed up with her ladybug bracelet.

"That's so pretty! It reminds me so much of Ladybug. I should get one for myself..." Alya commented with a laugh.

Marinette smiled and Adrien soon came up to the pair.

"What all the commotion?" He asked.

"It's Marinette's bracelet that she got from a present, see?" Alya lifted up her friends wrist, showing her the one of a kinds bracelet.

"It's so cool right?" Alya had said, but all Adrien could do was stare. He soon showed the girl his ring.


"Chat Noir?"

The End

Maybe the next one will be better? XD This one is really bad sorry guys.

Next Time: Request (Ladybug x Chat Noir)

Deadline for Next Chapter: December 4th

You can leave requests in the comments as well. :D

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