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Ever since my parents died, I spent all my life imagining what it would be like to make them proud. Even if they weren't here, I wanted to make them proud. I thought of educating myself to the highest capacity, reading everything and learning as many languages as I could. I trained and learned the skills of warfare, perfecting my aim when using a bow and arrow, and mastering the art of using a sword. I even considered the benefits of marrying a high classed noblewoman in order to consolidate my position on the throne.

And all of that blinded me.

I was blind to everything outside of my desire to return Egypt to its proper state. To everything outside of what it would take for me to be Pharaoh.

In the end, maybe that's why I fell so hard.

Maybe it was this long-term blindness that caused the shaking of my world when I met this remarkable girl.

She was nothing like me.

She couldn't write or read. She couldn't fight. She didn't even have a single luxury to her name.

Yet as I sat there, staring at the Nile while she spoke to me about irrelevant nonsense, all I could think about was how madly in love I was with this girl.

She was suddenly the most beautiful, most intelligent, most talented girl I knew. She had hands that helped bring life into this world and a warmth that helped bring light into my life.

Nothing else mattered.

I didn't care if she was a servant.

Nor did I care that I was engaged off to some foreign girl who I knew nothing about.

Though... I did wonder here and there if my parents would still be proud of me. Would they think that I was doing something so wrong?

Could falling in love with such a kind and noble girl truly be that terrible of sin?

The Prince and His Slave [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now