Author's Note

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Hey everyone!


YAY!!!! It's FINALLY here! I am finally uploading the NEW and IMPROVED version of the Prince and his Slave!! It took about eight or so years for me to get down to business and edit it... but it's finally here! Whoopie!

If you've read the original Prince and the Slave, than you will probably remember my rant from the beginning of that book, reminding you all that I wrote that story when I was in the eighth grade and therefore it had absolutely little to no historical accuracy and lots of grammar problems. Though this new version is definitely going to be a lot better than the first in terms of historical accuracy and grammar... I do want to remind you all again that I am NOT an Egyptologist or Archeologist or any of those wonderful, remarkable, intelligent people who study Egypt. (Though god knows it would be my dream come true if only I had the kind of talent it takes to study this remarkable culture in such detail!) However, I have taken a bunch of university level courses and read a lot of books, all of which will definitely help in improving the historical accuracy but there is no possible way that this story will ever be perfect. Sometimes there will be historically inaccuracies simply because I don't know what's right. Other times there will be historically inaccuracies because it would help the plot of my story. In any case, I do not mean to offend anyone at all and I hope you will look past it and enjoy the story!

In terms of plot, this rewritten version has the same general plot as the old one. However, a lot of details have changed simply because of how historically inaccurate the original story was. I think this is a good thing though, because if any of you are reading it again (IF YOU ARE, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT <3), then it will be more interesting for you! =D

Now, the last thing I wanted to talk about was pronunciation. To be honest, you can pronounce the names of the main two characters however you want, but some of you might want to know how I meant for them to be pronounced... so here you go:

Arius: Ahh-Ray-Yus

Atumankhkare: Ah-tum-Ahnk-Kah-Ray

Chione: Key-Yoh-Knee

Kiya: Key-Yah

Wow, this little introduction was much longer than expected! HAHA! Anyways, thank you all for reading this and I really really hope you enjoy this version of the story as much as you enjoyed the original. Please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT and FOLLOW if you're enjoying!! <3 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AS ALWAYS AND I WILL SEE YOU IN THE UPDATES!!




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The Prince and His Slave [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now