Chapter 1 - [Before]

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Hello everyone!

So here is the first chapter of the rewritten version of The Prince and His Slave! Just a reminder, when I put "– Arius –" that means the following part is told in his perspective. Similarly, when I put "– Chione –" that means the following part is told in her perspective!

I hope you enjoy! Please don't forget to Vote and Comment and let me know what you think!


Luckycharms <3

Luckycharms <3

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– Arius –

There was only really one thing in this world that I knew I was good at, and that was napping. I could fall asleep almost anywhere. Whether it was my soft, comfortable bed or the cold, hard ground, I could fall asleep on it.

Like right now.

I didn't know when I had fallen asleep. The last thing I could remember was sitting down in the garden after practicing a little bit of archery. Now I was fast asleep, the smell of flowers everywhere while I dreamed about my mother and my father and my life before I was forced to grow up.

Despite being asleep, I knew I was dreaming. I almost always knew I was dreaming and that may have in part been because of the fact that my mother had been gone for so long. I knew she couldn't actually be here with me. It was just impossible.

But it was a dream, and anything is possible in your dreams. So here she was, hugging me tightly, and letting her warmth fill me. I could smell her scent, which was as sweet as the flowers that surrounded us and I could hear her lovely voice. The same voice that she would sing to us with. She would call me by the nickname that I had created for myself when I was young because I was incapable of pronouncing my real name. Arius.

And though my mother was practically suffocating me in her arms, I could still see my father. Tall, handsome... a noble King. A leader who was admired... a man I dreamed of being like.

He had these frightening eyes that made sure that I would never cause trouble. Yet, those same eyes could also make me feel safe and loved... and happy.

My heart felt light in this dream.

And as I often did, I wished that I would not wake up.

"Wake up, you fool!" my brother's voice shouted as I felt myself be shaken awake. "Are you sleeping again?"

The Prince and His Slave [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now