Chapter 7 - [Stables]

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– Chione –

After the unpleasant events of the morning and the beginning of a truly horrible relationship with Lady Aziza, the maids were led to the Servants' Quarters.

From what I could tell, the Servants' Quarters was a separate building just outside the main palace where all the servants stayed. It was rather large, to my surprise, and didn't look as filthy and horrid as I had imagined. It looked like a regular building filled with two floors of long hallways and very many rooms.

There was no room assignment or anything, so as soon as we were lead to the Servants' Quarter, all the girls began to make their way to any empty rooms.

Saia and I stuck together, obviously. Unfortunately, she looked extremely upset with what had happened earlier, so I was the one who did the searching for a room with space for the two of us.

All the rooms were square and had four mattresses on the floor at each corner of the room and most of them were occupied. However, on the second floor we came across a room with two girls at two of the mattresses while the other two were free.

Almost immediately, one of the two girls began to smile at both Saia and I. "Hi! We have space here if you want to join us!"

I hesitated for a moment before smiling back, "thank you."

"You two are new, huh?" The bright eyed, smiley girl asked as she looked up at us from the mattress she was sitting on.

I nodded as Saia gave the girl a small smile.

"Welcome!" She said, happily. "I'm Ti, and my sleeping friend over there is Namare."

I looked over at Namare and all I could see was her back and her long black hair as she lay on her mattress facing the wall.

"She isn't feeling so well," Ti said.

She definitely didn't look well. Her breathing seemed shaky and looked rather uncomfortable.

When I looked back a Ti, I smiled again. Ti was a pretty girl. Despite sounding like a young girl, she looked older than both Saia and I, but only by a couple years.  She had very long black hair that was braided and over her shoulder. Her eyes were dark but she had very long eyelashes that made her eyes look much bigger and brighter than they actually were.

She was also thin and wore a simple white dress and plain brown sandals... just like all the other maids.

I guess there would be a uniform.

"My name is Chione," I responded. "And this is my best friend Saia."

Saia waved, still looking a little glum.

"C'mon in," Ti said as she stood up and showed us that she was definitely tall. "Each maid gets a chest to themselves and a bed. You can put whatever you want in the chest... but don't you dare store food. The last maid who was here would keep food in there and we kept getting little critters!"

I chuckled.

"If you really want to store food, another maid named Aai works in the kitchen and she can hold onto it for maximum one extra day."

The two beds that were free were farthest from the door and closest to the opening in the small wall which I assumed was the window.

I put my things on the small bed on the left side of the window while Saia put all her things on the bed that was on the right side.

The chest was pretty much a simple and ugly box. It looked old and worn out, as if other maids used it for years and years. I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to put food in there to begin with.

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