Chapter 5 - [Father]

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Hey everyone!


I've switched the paternal figure in Chione's life from her grandfather to her actual father! It just helps to clear out some issues! So just remember that the absent "grandfather" that she mentioned earlier in the story is actually her "father" now! =D

Thanks for reading! If you're enjoying, please comment, vote and follow! =D!

Take care!

Luckycharms <3


– Arius –

I was unbelievably shocked when Ramose returned to the palace with practically all the things I had given to him. "You're lying," I said to him. "You couldn't find her."

Ramose rolled his eyes and sat at the table in my bedroom. "I did find her. But she said she didn't want any of it. She said she couldn't walk around her village wearing fine linen and jewelry. It would look out of place."

I scoffed. "But she's a woman. Women love these kinds of things."

"I guess not all women," he responded. "She did take the perfume though."

I let out a breath. Well, at least she took one of the thank you gifts.

In the time that I had been back, my schedule had returned completely to normal... as if I had never been gone. As if I had never been nearly stabbed to death and missing for quite some time.

Of course, that wasn't entirely a bad thing. Getting right back into things felt a little good. It felt good to take my mind off of stressful things. Like a potential engagement to a girl who I had absolutely no interest in.

"So, you still haven't gotten around to telling me about the Hittite princess." Ramose asked as he unrolled one of the scrolls on my desk and looked at it.

"There is nothing to say," this was the only break I would get before the evening prayers, and here he was trying to annoy me.

"I heard Hittite girls are quite the sight," he wagged his eyebrows and made me roll my eyes.

"Well, she is pretty... but a bore. I never imagined myself marrying such a... boring woman. All she talks about is herself. And all she does is complain about her life and all the things she doesn't have." I sighed loudly, "like, seriously. She's a princess. She could have it much worse."

Ramose narrowed his eyes. "Well, you're the son of a King. You could marry more than one woman if you really wanted," he said. "Marry the Hittite princess for the sake of politics. Then marry someone else when you're ready. Make that queen your Principle Wife and you'll be fine."

"It's not that simple, Ramose," I said.

"C'mon, Arius. Take advantage of such a situation," he grinned at me. "Common folk like us aren't allowed to marry more than one woman."

"My father had only one wife." Though, it may have been because he died very early in life.

But whatever the case, what I said silenced Ramose. And I was glad of that. I didn't want to talk about this.

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