Chapter 13 - [Personal Maid]

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– Arius –

Overall I suppose the party went quite well. The food was excellent, the entertainment was excellent... and I guess it was nice to see Chione. Though she was still clearly upset with me.

At this point, I had decided to give up. I wouldn't pursue her anymore. Instead, I would give her whatever time she needed and hopefully eventually she'd get over it.

Once she was over it, maybe, if the gods willed it, she would come and talk to me again.

I decided this when I realized that now, more than ever, I had more important things to worry about.

Despite the banquet going late into the evening the day before, I was still expected to wake up bright and early in order to tend to my daily affairs as Pharaoh. So I woke up early, attended the morning prayers and then headed off to the throne room.

In the throne room, I talked to nobles about taxes and decisions. I helped to judge the crimes of criminals as well as innocents who were deemed criminals. I praised the efforts of some of the higher ups while criticizing the laziness of others.

In other words... the same thing I did yesterday.

It was close to the end of the daily meetings, right before the noon prayers, that I was surprised by a group of three peasants stepping forward. One of them was a woman, and the other two were men. All of them more simple, white clothes that were dirtied from what I imagine was a long trip to get here. It was quite obvious that they were peasants... they had little to no meat on their bones and a kind of look in their eyes that made my heart ache.

I had noticed that they were waiting at the back of the throne room all morning, but I didn't realize they had the intentions of talking to me.

When the reached the base of the dais, they got down on their knees and bowed.

"You may rise," I said, smiling warmly since I could just feel their nervousness and fear. "What is it that I can do for you?"

After standing up, they looked nervously at me before the older looking man in the middle spoke. "My Pharaoh... son of Amunkare. It is an honor to be in your presence."

I smiled, undeniably pleased to be called the son of Amunkare.

"We have come here seeking help... we hope that you will hear us out."

"Of course," I said. "Please, speak."

There was a hesitation. "My Pharaoh... for years now, since Pharaoh Khamen had taken control of the southern regions, our village has been suffering. Ours, as well as many other southern villages."

My eyebrows rose.

"Rebels have been attacking us in an attempt to get Pharaoh Khamen's attention for years. They have stolen from us, attacked us and burned our villages over and over again. We came asking for help before but were ignored... so we have tried to bare the blows. We would rebuild and try to move on but now they have began to kidnap our women and our children... and they have began to kill."

My lips parted in shock.

The other man, who was younger and looked angrier spoke next. "We cannot take this much longer, my Pharaoh! Pharaoh Khamen has taken the southern regions and given them to the nobles to flourish and be happy with soldiers protecting them so we are the ones who struggle with the consequences," he said with a loud voice. "We have gotten nothing from Pharaoh Khamen's successes yet we are the ones who suffer–"

A guard who was standing next to him grabbed him aggressively. "Watch your tone when you speak–"

I held my hand up. "Stand down," I ordered. "I wish to hear them out."

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