Chapter Four

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Author’s Note-

Hi, I know it’s annoying to read my monologue right at the beginning but I would like to say that I am really sorry for the late update and hopefully I will be updating weekly now on with the story, have fun reading .


 Chapter Four

As the sweat rolled off his shoulders, Derek felt all the tension in his body slowly slip away. This was his tiny piece of heaven, a haven where he could escape to leaving all thoughts of the outside world at the doorstep.

Derek had always been the nerd of the family, preferring to spend time looking up classical literature rather than take part in tackle sports. While both his brothers excelled at sports and had rows and rows of trophies at home, he had just been a let down to his parents in yet again another field and had been subjected to various sports classes which had just increased his aversion towards sports.

Plopping down on the ground he swept the sweat off his brow and thought back on the day he had come to this place for the first time.

Derek had arrived at New York a few short weeks earlier, his enthusiasm of exploring the city leading him to the darkened alley he was in at present. At some point of time he had taken a wrong turn and even with a map of the city, He was hopelessly lost. He was trying to figure out whether to go left or right down the equally dark paths when he had felt a sharp nudge on his back. The mugger had stale breath and just by the size of his shadow, Derek saw he was much taller than a normal man.

“All yur valuables and cash give now or I will tear you apart,” said the man, his voice so menacing it sent a chill down Derek’s spine.He had tried to make a run for it just to be stabbed. As he had cried out, a huge shadow blocked the alley’s exit and Derek had almost given up figuring it was an accomplice, but as fate would have had it, the bear of a man had been his saviour and even as Derek lost conscious he had seen his attacker flee and his defender had knelt by him...and then he blacked out.

When Derek woke, he hissed and  his hand immediately shot down  to his side in pain, “You were stupid to have run. You are lucky that that knife just nicked you,” came a deep voice from his right. Turning he saw his saviour, “Thanks," Derek whispered.

The man suddenly smiled at him instantly his aura  transforming from a threatening presence to a huge teddy bear. “Oh no worries dude but shouldn't you know how to defend yourself, ” he said.

“Well yea but I don’t really play much sport or go to the gym,” Derek shrugged it wasn't like he wasn't used to people looking down on him for his lack in any sort of sport. “No, I mean have you tried martial Arts?” the man said.

Derek had glared at him, "Really? Are you trying to be funny right now cause let me tell you that isn't funny. I have always been weak as you can see; if I actually was crazy enough to join, I would be ripped apart in minutes,” he said. “And by the way I don’t even know what your name is where do you get off telling me what to do," he winced internally at his words, his anger seeping away being replaced by guilt for shouting at the person who had only shown concern for him.

The stranger’s expression had darkened at his words “ the name’s Alan and dude if that’s your only problem then here’s my card I run a Martial Arts Dojo drop by when you stop being a coward” and he said as he walked out. Stopping at the door he turned and smiled ,” one step Little dude and you won’t regret it”.

Derek had slept on it and for the rest of the day the thoughts of what if plagued him. He had always been the planner in the family not by choice but because he would have been crushed if he hadn't looked out for himself  and somehow he found himself in front of the Dojo the next day. He walked in and it was like an alternate reality there were people fighting one on one with moves that he usually saw in movies. There were others on the side practicing with various weapons like long swords and some with even fans.

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