Chapter Six

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Vivian watched amused as Derek stood in front of the store evaluating it warily - like a kitten that was wary of a stranger, she somehow found it adorable. Looking at her watch again, she sighed. While it was amusing watching him fret over whether to actually go in or not, they were still going to miss their appointment if they didn’t go in then.

“ Derek the store isn’t going to bite you” she said the amusement clearly ringing in her voice.

He looked at her, his eyes narrowed “ I don’t get why we couldn’t go to the usual place.” he mumbled. His eyes belying his tepidity.

Vivian couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him, “ Come now, it’s a good place. I know the owner and he is the best at what he does. “ she said confidently picking his hand and almost dragging him to the entrance. Derek looked slightly alarmed but managed to straighten his shoulders and walked in himself.

He stood there wondering if he had entered the right place, looking at the sign near the reception he couldn’t help but groan. He might have gotten rich but he had used the salon down the street with the dollar seven haircut for as long as he had been in New York. This place on the other hand looked like something right out of the health magazines that Leila loved to read.

The salon entrance just had a reception desk where a lady sat smiling at them looking extremely comfortable in a pastel pink dress, she had her dark brown hair up in a simple ponytail and almost no makeup, but she looked good.

Looking closer she beamed at Vivian, “ Hey Viv, here with another client? “ she asked, her voice tinkling like several bells looking at him like he was a math problem she couldn’t figure out.

Vivian nodded and said “Hi Libs, is Rob free yet? We have an appointment”.

The lady who Vivian called ’Libs’ glanced at him critically before giving him a look that said he was a lost case. With the way he was dressed, Derek couldn’t really bring himself to feel annoyed at her. After All the truth lay in the matter that he wasn’t what they would typically call attractive, right?

They were saved from further chit-chat when a person waved them in through a door on the side. Derek gulped before walking in through the door.

The parlor in contrast to the waiting area was pretty sparse; The decor was white and minimalistic, efficiently portraying the cleanliness and skill that they had. There were only three chairs facing huge mirrors  with a door leading off to the side. The tools were arranged methodically on a moving trolley, each looking sharp and new and extremely well kept. The staff wasn’t like the ones he had ever seen before, they were all casually dressed, instead of ill-fitted uniforms with only a shade of sapphire blue common in all the outfits, the minute they walked in, everyone save one man had left.

His eyes lit up when he saw Vivian and he pulled her into a hug. Once he let her down, he turned and stared at Derek.

“ So he is to be my new masterpiece, eh!” he exclaimed, the joy on his face showing his excitement at the prospect. Derek shifted uncomfortably at the scrutiny .

Rob signalled Derek to sit in one of the chairs, his glasses were immediately pulled off and the hair in the front pulled back to get a look at his facial structure.Vivian gasped and Derek closed his eyes so he wouldn’t see the obvious revulsion on her face.

Vivian stood there staring, wondering how she missed his face! The man had a body to die for but his face was a piece of art from heaven. The notion that he had been called anything but handsome in his life was ridiculous. His hair had covered his eyes and shadowed his chin, making it hard to see the chiseled straight lines of his jaw. His eyes were a unique shade of blue, like crystals reflecting ocean light. They had been huge and oh so expressive before he had closed them . This would make her task so much easier! humans were afterall shallow beings and took an instant liking to anything that looked pleasing to the eye. Looking good could only do him good and having features like his, she was sure he would at least now not be looked down on.

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