Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Derek placed a mug on the table for the mystery woman and sat on the couch looking at her sitting across from him accessing her surroundings. By the expression on her face it was pretty clear what she thought of the shack that he called home.

“Well you see Miss ...” he fluttered around trying to remember if she actually gave her name.

“It's Vivian Snow, Mr Ames.”

“Well yes Ms Snow as you can see… I was pretty intoxicated yesterday so I am not really sure what you are even talking about.”

She sighed and an annoyed frown spread over her face, “Well yes I was afraid of that when we heard from you yesterday night, but that aside your reasons for wanting a makeover were pretty valid and your account information that you gave us cleared so you are definitely able to afford us, and if you doubt us... which I really don't see why you should we do have an audio recording of your call.”

Derek stared at her his eyebrows disappearing into his hairline a ‘you-did-what’ look on his face, “You taped my call?”

Vivian shrugged, “It’s company policy plus sometimes the initial call tells us a lot more about the client than the client himself lets us know, in the long run it’s pretty helpful to the helpers.”

He gave her a confused look, “Helpers? Who are they?” he asked her.

“Well, all the members of our organisation that help our clients are called the helpers, now would you like to listen to your tape or will you just sign the contract.”

Derek stared at her for a minute before giving a resigned sigh, “I want to listen to the audio…” At her raised eyebrow he grounded out, “Please.”

She gave him a smile like she had known all along that he would cave and ask for the audio smirking she played with her phone a little and a voice sounded over the speakers.

“Hello this is Dreams Inc. how may we help you?”

“Helloooo... hello *hic* hi my name is Derek… Ames *hic*, I heard about how you give people makeovers! I really need one see so HELLLLPPP ME…”

Derek was sure that his face was bright red and he buried his face into his arms in mortification.

This was why he didn't get drunk; people were happy drunks, wild drunks, grabby drunks, mean drunks. Whereas he was a whole different sort altogether he was a sad drunk and worse a weepy one at that, with dread he nodded for Vivian to continue playing the clip.

“Well Mr Ames I am connecting you to a manager, please wait on the line...” the line clicked and rang again, “Hello Mr Ames my name is Jack and how may I be of service to you?”

“Hiii Jack can you please give me a makeover... pretty please Rae said you are the very... *hic* best.”

“Well Mr Ames as much as I would love to help you we have a few policies here and one of them is a check to see if you are actually able to afford our fee.”

Derek chuckled, “Trust me money is nooot an issue.”

“The second thing is we need a valid reason for a makeover, we do not randomly change people just because they are bored with their look,” Jack said.

Derek laughed, “Oh! Trust me you won't find a person who needs it more, I have money  but I can’t show it, I just found out that the girl I was in love with is shifting to a different city for someone else... and if that wasn’t enough my perfect elder brother is getting married and I don't want to go back to ridicule and being ignored again,” Derek was almost choking on sobs by the end the desperation and sadness seeping into his voice, when he started talking again he almost sounded broken, “Is that reason enough for you?”

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