Chapter Five

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Throbbing music that seemed to physically vibrate over skin  flowed over Derek as he entered the club behind Sam, dressed in a black button down and a pair of dark jeans Derek felt it was a good enough outfit for the club. He rolled his eyes at Sam who was smiling and flirting with any girl that gave him attention but he knew at the end of the night the only girl for Sam was Leila.

Seeing as Sam immediately took to the dance floor, Derek made his way to the bar keeping an eye on his wayward friend. The bartender looked over at him and said,” What’s your poison for the night?” he smiled at her, adjusted his glasses and said “ A rum and coke for now, Thanks”.0

She nodded and moved away and Derek sighed because he knew she saw him as a ragamuffin and nothing else.

Looking at Sam dance, Derek felt a surge of need to be able to mix and talk just like him but from early on he had been put down way too many times and he had accepted that romance was not for him, from then on he had lost all interest in dressing up; being happy enough to just look presentable.

Tilting his head in thanks at the bartender, he contemplated how his life had gotten so complicated.He wished that he could live in the Dojo. It was the one place where every insecurity he had seemed to slip away from him . His moves were something he was extremely proud of, the feeling of helplessness that he had experienced was something he never wanted to feel again.

In the beginning it had only been about self defence but an year after joining, Alan had suddenly entered him into a competition and he had won. To actually be congratulated for an achievement not related to academics had been euphoric and it was a drug that he became addicted to, from then on it had only been about how fast he learnt something and how well he executed it.


When Alan had offered him the position of sensei at the Dojo he had happily agreed and never looked back. As he sat reminiscing he couldn’t help but smile.


turning back to the dance floor, he couldn’t see Sam at all. Just as he was about to get up and search for him, Sam came back and slid into the seat next to him.

“ You should be on the dance floor you know, not sulking around at the bar” Sam shouted at him.

Derek shook his head and turned back to his drink. Sam sat there scowling at him for a minute before the next song had him bouncing back to dance. Derek simply looked blankly in front of him wondering what life had in store for him, he shrugged and chugged back his drink at one go asking the bartender for another shot. He stopped after a shot more because as miserable as his life was at that moment, he was still responsible for getting Sam home in one piece and while there were moments where dropping Sam sounded like an amazing idea, it was better to deal with him than his angry girlfriend.


That night, once he dropped an extremely sleepy Sam in his apartment, Derek walked into his own apartment, his eyes resting on the clean but utterly empty home. He sighed before pulling back the curtains and just sat on the window seat wondering if a day would come where he got to play the lead in his own life.


The rest of the week passed in a blur, between teaching classes and work and actually worrying about his brothers wedding, Derek completely forgot that he was supposed to meet vivian on saturday. That’s how he ended up opening the door in an old tee and plaid boxers to the extremely regal woman who gave him a look that told him that if he didn’t clean up in a matter of seconds would mean he was dead meat. He groaned before he waved her in.

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