Chapter 1

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~Velvet Revolver's P.O.V~

I ran into the abandoned gas station that was located in Zone 5. I bent down, putting my hands on my knees, trying to get my breath back. I removed my sunglasses from my eyes, letting them rest on top of my head, and pushed my bandana down so it rested around my neck. I ran into some Draculoids, and if you don't know what they are, they are Better Living Industries' (often referred to as BLI or BL/ind) personal henchmen. They travel around the Zones in search of killjoys to capture to turn into more Draculoids. Some are even turned into Scarecrow or Exterminators. Scarecrow refers to BL/ind's security department (Scarecrow Unit) or operatives of it. The operatives are of higher rank than the Draculoids. Exterminators are a different story. They are the highest level of Scarecrow operatives. Korse is known as the 'Chief Exterminator.'  

I got a bit of beef with Korse. I was captured by BL/ind a little more than a year ago, but I escaped. That more than pissed Korse off. I am now one of the most wanted killjoys, along with the elite four, or as they are better known as, The Fabulous Killjoys. They are who I'm looking for at the moment. 

I've been on my own for quite sometime now, my whole team being wiped out by Dracs and Scarecrow in my capturing. I've been on the run ever since I escaped. Korse's one job was to bring me back to BL/ind, dead or alive. So you figure, I've got the head exterminator on my ass 24/7. Another reason why I need to find The Fabulous Killjoys. It's dangerous to be running around the Zones by yourself. 

The sound of a car engine broke me out of my thoughts. I quickly straightened up, putting my pink sunglasses back over my eyes and pulling my blue bandana back up over my mouth. I ran down one of the aisles, crouching down behind the shelves. I drew my gun from it's holster on my right leg, holding it close to my chest. I heard the car come to a halt, the engine shutting off shortly after. I stood up, peeking over the shelf, seeing a white car with the BL/ind logo on the side. 

"Shit," I muttered to myself.  

I took a deep breath, and ninja rolled over behind another shelf. I then quickly made my way over behind a different shelf that was located closer to the entrance. I peeked up over the shelf, seeing there were only two Dracs. I let out the breath I didn't notice that I had been holding. 'Thank God, there's only two,' I thought to myself.  

I watched as the two Draculoids made their way to the entrance, opening the door and stepping inside. They looked around, searching the area. One of them started walking to the left, nodding towards the other, most likely indicating to go search the area in the other direction. I ducked down, quickly, holding my breath. I heard the footsteps of the Draculoid walking this way, going down the aisle that was opposite mine. I peeked around the corner to make sure the other Drac wasn't around, before scurrying over behind the one that had walked down the aisle opposite the one I was hiding behind. I held my gun out infront of me, standing up straight and walking up behind the Draculoid. I put the gun up against the back of it's head, pulling the trigger. It fell to the ground with a thud, dead. 

I heard the footsteps of the other Draculoid running this way, and I ducked behind the closest thing to me, which was the checkout counter. The Draculoid stopped infront of it's partner, bending down and putting two fingers to it's neck, checking for a pulse. It removed it's fingers from the other's neck, standing up straight and looking around trying to locate the intruder. It turned over in the direction of the counter I was positioned behind, removing it's raygun from it's holster, and walking over heasitantly to it. I sucked in a breath, and looked behind me. There was a small opening in the counter where you were able to walk through, and I silently crawled over to it.  

I went under it, peeking around the corner towards the Drac who had just stopped and was bending down to peek around the corner at the opposite end of the counter. 'Man, those things are dumbasses,' I thought, with a smirk. Once the Drac had it's head behind the counter, I crawled out of the small opening, getting to my feet. Keeping low, I hurried over behind the Drac. I put my gun to the back of it's chest and pulled the trigger. The Dracoloid fell to it's knees, before falling flat on the floor. I stood up straight, blowing the smoke that was coming from the barrel. I made my way back to the entrance, pushing open the door and walking out. I looked around to make sure there weren't any more Dracs before getting in the BL/ind car. I threw my gun over on the passenger's seat before checking if the key was in the ignition, and it was. 'Dracs are so stupid!' I thought. 

I turned the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life. At least this will help me keep myself disguised a bit. I put the car into gear, and put my hands on the steering wheel. 'Let's hope I can make it to the Diner before nightfall,' I thought before driving off.


A/N: Well, guys that's the end of Chapter 1! I hope you like it! I am currently in the process of writing the next chapter, so I should have it up by hopefully sometime tonight. MCR will be in the next chapter!

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