When You Guys Kiss: Rin

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You were sitting on the bench watching your boyfriend race for a spot in the finals. "You got this Rin!" You yelled. Rin turned around and gave you a quick smile then turned back around getting ready to dive in.

"Ready... set... GO!" All the swimmers jumped in and started swimming. You stared in awe, Rin's form was so perfect and you looked at the other swimmers gaining up on Rin, who was in first.

"Rin! There gaining! Swim faster!" You yelled. Rin started to swim faster leaving the other swimmers in the dust. He was finally on his last spurt and you were standing up now. A swimmer was neck and neck with him and Rin was pushing him self to get there first.

"Go Rin! Go Rin! Get there first Rin!" You yelled. Both swimmers touched the wall, it was way to close to call so you eyes went to the score board.

1 Rin Matsuoka
2 Haruka Nanase

"YES!!" You heard Rin scream. You looked back at him and saw him waving at you, "Hey babe! I won!" He yelled to you, you nodded and gave him a thumbs up.


After the tournament was over, you went to look for Rin. It wasn't very hard with all the chanting, you saw Rin with his team. Rin saw you walking over and ran to you. He picked you up and spun you around, "Did you see me babe? I left those swimmers in the dust!" He said putting you down. "Yeah, your form was so perfect you were bound to win" you said. "I couldn't have done it without you cheering me on" Rin said cupping your face in his hands.

You felt yourself leaning in and Rin leaning in as well. Since he was so much taller than you, you went on your tiptoes to reach him. Then you guys kissed, it was a gentle and sweet kiss, 2 things that Rin lacks in. But he always shows his sweet side with you even if he's angry or upset.

Rin pulled away from the kiss, "Let's go home babe" he said taking your hand and you guys started walking home. ❤️

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