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You were tapping away on your laptop, finishing the last of your homework for the day. Suddenly your computer and lights shut off, "Bro what the hell?" You asked yourself, as you got off your bed.

You grabbed your phone, and turned on the flashlight. You've never been afraid of the dark, even when you were little but now something was different. You had this feeling in your gut that wouldn't go away.

As you made it downstairs, you made your way to the power box, located in the back of the house. When you opened the door you were greeted by a gust of wind and water droplets. You closed the door quickly before you got soaked.

'How come I didn't notice it was raining?' You thought, to yourself, as you grabbed your raincoat as well as a waterproof flashlight. You made your way back outside, again, this time ready to face the raging wind and storm outside.

When you reached the power box you flicked all the switches on but not a single drop of light escaped the house. You gritted your teeth impatiently as you tried again and again. "A power line must've fell" You mumbled, as you gave up, hopelessly.

You were ready to go back inside and wait for the storm to blow over. Suddenly a loud crackle erupted from the sky as well as quick flash of lighting. You screamed briefly, then quickly covered your mouth.

You hated thunderstorms.

You quickly ran back inside, afraid of being struck down by a bolt of lightning. You grabbed your phone off the kitchen counter, and dialed a number you were all to familiar with.

"The number you are trying to call is currently unavaila-"

You hung up, remembering the power was out. You sat in silence for a minute hugging your knees for dear life. Another crackle boomed from the sky, while lighting flashed the whole room.
You screamed again, this time tears escaping your eyes.

You promised you're you wouldn't cry this time, but you couldn't help it. You were scared to death. You went to the bookshelf in your living room and took out the phone book.

"Samezuka, Samezuka... come on, come on where is it?!" You cried, frustrated. Finally you found the academy's number and dialed into the wall phone.

"Hello, Samezuka Academy"

"Hi, can I speak with Matsuoka Rin, please?"

"Sure. What's your relationship with the student?"

"I'm his girlfriend"

"Ok. Hang on just a second"

You waited, your fingers twirling with the telephone cord, anxiously. Finally you heard a groggy voice on the end of the line. "Hello?" Rin asked. "Hey Rin, it's me (Y/n)" You said, laughing nervously. "(Y/n)? What the hell? It's... 3:00am" Rin said, irritated.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just really needed to hear your voice..." You said, your voice wavering as tears spilled from your eyes. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" The shark-like boy asked, his voice lacing with concern.

"I-I'm fine. Just wanted to talk to you..." You lied, you just couldn't bring yourself to tell Rin about your fear. "No your not fine. (Y/n) tell me what's wrong. You know I'm here for you, right?" He reminded.

"I-I know" You said, a sob unconsciously escaping your lips. "Your crying, I'm coming over" Rin said, sternly. "Rin no!" You said, but it was too late, he hung up. You put the phone back on the wall, and went back to hugging your knees.

Knock. Knock.

You lifted your head from your knees and walked to the door. You opened it to be greeted by a soaking wet Rin. "Rin! Your soaking wet!" You said, ushering him inside, forgetting your fear for a brief moment.

"I had to get to you" Rin said, his sharp teeth breaking into a smile. "I don't care, you're gonna get sick" You said, giving him a towel, then sitting on the couch next to him.

"Don't worry about me, what the matter?" Rin asked again, drying his hair with the towel. Your fear crept back into you body, making your look down and play with you fingers. Rin grabbed your hand and squeezed it, "I'm here for you" He whispered.

Thunder boomed loudly, making you scream in surprise as well as cling on to your shark boyfriend. "So that's it... your scared of the thunderstorm?" He asked. You nodded hesitantly, afraid of what his answer might be.

Rin let out a low chuckle, "Your such a scaredy cat" He said, his laugh now echoing throughout your house. You wiped your tears and punched him in the chest, "Your mean" You pouted.

"I was kidding, relax babe theres a lot of people who are scared of thunderstorms" Rin reassured. "I know..." You said, pressing your face into his chest. "But you know what makes you different from those people?" Rin asked. You shook your head, which was still buried in his chest.

"They don't have me to protect them, like how I protect you" He said, taking your face into his hands and kissing your forehead. You blushed lightly as Rin continued to kiss your forehead repeatedly.

Rin then lays on the couch and puts you on top off him. "Rin what are you-" You started. "Shhh, just get some sleep princess" Rin said, closing his eyes and putting his hand on your lower back. You huff irritated that Rin was trying you like a child, but slowly but surely fell asleep in his arms.

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