When He's Sick/Hurt

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You knocked on Haru's front door. "Haru it's me" You said knocking again. You sighed and walked around his house and tried to open the back door. And of course it was open, without a doubt, which is dangerous now that you think about it.

You shrugged and locked the back door once you were in. You looking around the house and didn't see Haru, you realized that he might be taking a bath now. You walked into the bathroom and sure enough there was Haru in the tub, with the swimsuit and all. "How long were you in the tub this time Haru?" You asked looking away from his sexy abs.

When you didn't get a response you looked back over at Haru and noticed that he was sleeping. You sighed, got a cup of water and poured it on Haru's head. "Nn~ what do you want?" He whined, once he saw you. "Wow no 'hello, how are you?'" You said. Haru shrugged. "Anyways I came to check up on you... Makoto said you weren't feeling well" You explained.

"I'm fine" Haru said stubbornly. "Haru you look flushed" You said placing your hands on your hips. "I said I'm fine" Haru said going underwater. You've had about enough of this, so you grabbed Haru's ear and pulled him above the water. "Now Haru, your gonna go to bed like a good boy and let me take care of you... understand? ^-^" You said still pinching his ear. "Y-yes ma'am" Haru said blushing with embarrassment.

"I can't believe you got into a fight..." You said holding Rin's broken arm carefully. "Hey! It's not my fault... he called you hot" Rin protested. You looked up at Rin, "So I don't look hot to you?" You asked. "No! Of course you're hot, in fact your smoking. I just don't  want guys calling you hot" He mumbled.

"Rin, sweetie I know I'm hot just don't beat up anyone who says I am, ok?" You said laughing a bit. "Fine" Rin grumbled while leaning on your shoulder.

"Achoo!" Makoto sneezed again. "Bless you" You said handing him the tissue box. "Thanks. You know you don't have to do this (Y/n) I don't want you getting sick" Makoto said blowing his nose.

"I'll be fine" You said leaning on his shoulder. "I still can't believe my siblings got me sick" Makoto sniffed. "Oh well, there's nothing you can do about it now. Wanna Netflix and chill?" You asked grabbing the remote.

Makoto blushed instantly, "W-wha?! (Y/n) I'm sick! And it's a little to early in our relationship to do that?" Makoto stuttered. "Eh? What are you talking about? I just wanna watch some anime on Netflix and chill with you. You know like hangout" You explained.

Makoto sighed, "That's not what Netflix and Chill means..."

"(Y/n)- chan, my stomach hurts" Nagisa whined as he rolled on the bed. "No one told you to get a bunch of candy and eat it all at once" You said, continuing to read.

"That's what Rei-chan said too!" Nagisa said. "I'm pretty sure that's what everyone would say if they knew why your stomach hurts" You said rolling your eyes. "(Y/n)-chan?" Nagisa asked. "Yes?" You replied.

"Can you rub my tummy?" Nagisa asked in a cute voice. You laughed, " Of course, Nagisa" You said putting your hand on Nagisa's stomach and rubbing it in tiny circles. "Thanks (Y/n)-chan!" Nagisa exclaimed, kissing your nose. You blushed and smiled, "Your welcome, Nagisa".

"This is not beautiful at all" Rei complained. "Rei, look. I know you have a headache and that's not the best feeling but you complaining is giving me a headache. So do me a favor and shut up" You said, rubbing your temples.

"Well I'm sorry for not having a beautiful headache" Rei said, crossing his arms. You gave him the 'wtf' look, "How can you have a beautiful headache? That's not even logical" You said. "Oh, yeah... hehe" Rei said, sweat drops rolling down his face. "I think it's this medicine. Maybe you should lay down Rei" You suggested.

Rei just started giggling uncontrollably and also started rambling about things being 'beautiful'.
Sorry if Rei's didn't make any sense. I'm practically half-sleep right now, so... yea. I hope you enjoyed ^-^

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